
Monday, February 20, 2023

M.A.G.U.S. - Sinister shadows

The adventurers rested after fighting the demon dogs, then prepared for their next challenge: a huge copper door. The knight in full plate tried to open it - it was a shocking experience! However, he gritted his teeth, locked his spasming muscles, and slammed the door open. They were face to face with a huge giant made of assorted bodies![1]

Dalibor shot at it, but electric currents started coursing through the room (copper tiles, hehe) and the creature healed back, without moving a muscle. Daramin melted the tile beneath it, at which point it started moving forward. The adventurers pulled back, content at their trap sprung. Except the creature shut the doors. After a short talk, the party decided to pull back and abandon the whole thing.

They had one more side door in this area, which  they stepped through (un)willingly into a volcanic plane, with a huge skeletal creature chained to a black cliff stretching high up into the sky. The creature promised them wealth, riches and whatever they desired in return for freedom. The party once again pulled back, deciding not to let the creature free.

Instead, they continued southwards into a huge empty cavern with an obelisk in the middle. A giant eye had been carved into the structure, and bloody handprints covered its base. Naturally, the barbarian tried to put his hand unto the obelisk as well, at which point he - and only he - heard a little girl's voice, telling him about a dangerous tunnel, a secret corridor, and the two-headed king guarding the way to his destiny. The entire party freaked out and proceeded to dissect the message for hidden meanings.[2]

The following corridor had two side openings with statues of elven warriors. One had golden bits - the adventurers, already paranoid, again decided to go past them. Right into the arrow trap. But now, on to the fun part... 

The next corridor had several side openings, each containing a mirror. As soon as the adventurers passed the first one, shadow clones of themselves exited the mirrors and attacked them. The party spent quite some time putting down the shadows, suffering several wounds in the process. 

Daramin then came up with the solution, by conjuring paint to cover up the mirrors. This allowed the party to pass through unharmed, and also loot a golden mask, also covered in paint.

Their path led into a creepy temple, where the barbarian placed the cut off end of his fingertip on the altar. His health diminished but his attack increased, filling his mind with violent thoughts. The party then decided to break the altar apart.

They ignored the side openings, passing directly south into another creepy temple, filled with grotesque statues. Ylimor went at them, hacking them apart, while the other decided to track back. Dalibor opened one side passage, laying his eyes unto two dog sized crickets playing with a rusty helmet. He instantly shut the door. At least the other side passage hid life sized replicas of adventurers fighting some monstrosity, with their clothes inlaid with the occasional gem. The rogue obviously took everything.

They returned to the temple where Ylimor was still hard at work, and set to inspect the place for hidden passages. Dalibor found nothing, but Biznard happened to knock on an empty wall. A couple of solid hits later, they had their passage.

[ominous music plays in the background]

[1] Bonus points to Dalibor for calling it "Dr. Frankenstein's monster".
[2] I had fun.

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