
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Painting an alien sorcerer

From Reaper's latest Kickstarter. The noseless face and large eyes remind me of the T'au.


Prime Munitorum Varnish/Grey Seer. Paint the fur on the back.

Basecoat every furface using Contrast paints. Some experiments with pleasing results are detailed here.

For the yellow cloak, start with a basecoat of Heavy Goldbrown. Shade with a watered down mix of Beasty Brown and Orange Fire.

Add Dark Fleshtone to the mix for the deepest recesses.

Clean up a bit using Heavy Goldbrown, then highlight Bonewhite.

Apply some painting tips to finish him off:

  • Painting dark fire
  • Speed painting silver
  • Light leather (Contrast)
  • Dark wood
  • And paint the eyes Bloodletter.


    Woodland base.


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