
Thursday, March 9, 2023

MAGUS - In the garden

The adventurers spent some time to rest and recuperate after their ordeal with the manta rays. This was some quality time with content created by the players, with only occasional comments from me to entice them. Like Daramin burning the sand coming out of his boot[1], at which point I reminded everyone that they're dead tired, injured, all they want is sleep, and not listen to the scratching sounds of burning sand. The party also made sure to set up guards, a system of ropes and bells, and traded sleeping bags[2]. However, the best part was when they tried to cook the cut off wing of a manta using most of their drinking water. I made sure to describe in detail the lack of moisture in the meat, the texture of old leather[3], as well as the urge to vomit coming an hour later.[4]

Also some quotable actions:
Cahir: Let's put out the fire.
Daramin: Why? Fire should burn.

After some time well spent, the adventurers went ahead down the tunnel, with Dalibor up front.[5] With the wet smell of rot growing ever stronger, they soon reached a jungle dome. They armed themselves with machetes and went in, hacking their way through the plants.

I know it says D&D night... close enough.

Anyway... they carried on through the jungle, around the perimeter of the dome, until they reached a large rock. Dalibor went ahead to climb atop it for a better view, at which point it proved to be a giant mushroom. That exploded on contact. The adventurers flew back like ragdolls, with Daramin landing in a giant venus fly trap[6] and Cahir banging up against a spine-shooting cactus. The spines obviously plinked off the full plate, but Dalibor did manage to get hit in the cheek and get poisoned.

The next encounter would have been a tree within a clearing, but they decided not to go nearer something that killed everything beneath it. This meant more time spent hacking their way, with more random encounters. This included stepping on another explosive mushroom, this time involving burning spores[7], Dalibor being caught by a tentacled plant, Cahir cutting through the tentacles right into Dalibor's shoulder, Cahir stepping on a psychedelic mushroom and permanently loosing some willpower, and Daramin falling on an oily plant that immediately poisoned him and made his skin all flaky.

Thoroughly disgusted by their experience, the adventurers hacked at the plants until they discovered the exit. At which point I declared a short break.

After recess, I surprised them by describing the castle corridor they're happily strolling along with the chatty girl, who looks like any child they encountered in their younger years. Yes, everyone saw her differently. The girl spoke about how fun it was to play with them, her pets and plants that need replacing, and how she enjoys watching mortals in general. To which they all nodded along happily, completely trusting this joyful child. After some chit-chat, she led them to a room containing some magical looking items: a smoky aquarium which displayed some small figures running away from a huge monstrous thing, and two pedestals hosting small edible items. The party had to decide to either help the figures escape the monster, knowing that they are after the same goal and are possibly competitors; or leave them to their doom. They decided to help, with Cahir consuming the food item corresponding to their choice. The girl clapped excitedly, and the adventurers resumed their trek in the dungeon caves with no memory of this encounter.

Finally, they reached another room - this one extending both above and below, with only a thick, stringy white rope extending into the darkness.

[1] Daramin: Look, how nicely it burns!
[2] Some of which were enchanted for better healing during sleep.
[3] With a sly comparison to Dalibor's father's old mining boots.
[4] Dalibor vomited all over Shamil's sleeping bag. Good talk.
[5] As everybody is racist towards half-elves.
[6] Scoring some acid damage while hacking it apart.
[7] Good for the respiratory organs.

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