
Monday, April 24, 2023

Word Bearers vs Imperial Knights, 18.04.2023

Alright, let's try and write a not-extremely-salty battle report, as the Word Bearers meet the Knights once more in battle. This time, we were up against house Tarranis, in a scenario of Abandoned Sanctuaries.

First time my 2000 points of Word Bearers list is fully painted and WYSIWYG! At least we got that going for us.

Except I forgot a tray of Furry Possessed at home, so here's some replacements - actual Possessed models. Wow.

Bravest Cultists in the galaxy staring down the knights.

Imperial Knights, turn 1

The Knights won the roll-off (with a 2) and quickly went forwards on all flanks.

Nothing beats the cool factor of a big, obnoxious tank... that always dies turn 1.

Along with the Cultists and two Bikers, but who cares.

Word Bearers, turn 1

My turn started with this. Those are the rolls for Illusory Supplication (2+ with a reroll), and then the run and charge prayer - at least that went off on the reroll.

I did what Word Bearers do best and charged forwards. The Chosen went in but failed to kill the center Armiger.

The Rubrics jumped out, flamed both Armigers, then charged in along with the Possessed. Bounced off both.

So instead of killing 2, maybe 3, Armigers, I killed exactly 0.

Knights, turn 2

All Armigers fell back, to open up my forces to shooting and charging.

After a withering shooting phase (including 20 mortal wounds scored by the big shooting knight), the Chosen evaporated, 5+FNP and all.

The Possessed also died to a Champion, who resisted heroically. However, he still could kill the charging Armiger.

Word Bearers, turn 2

Smite and stuff all left this guy in a couple of wounds.

The Daemon Prince, Dark Apostle and Terminators all charged in. Guess what we killed.

Battle round 3

The Knights again fell back, shot and charged. At the end, I was left with 1 Master of Possessions, 1 Rhino, and half a squad of Rubrics in combat. I conceded.


I have no intentions of lessening the Knight player's merit. Both list and tactics improved since the last time we played.

I'm not one to blame the dice.

But this game, the dice... oh my man, the dice.😢

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