
Monday, May 29, 2023

M.A.G.U.S. - Monster village

Roll for initiative! Monsters climb out from under the rocks and assault the party. They are brutish, well armored, and wield monstrous weapons that break bones and cause bleeding.

The adventurers rolled surprisingly well for their perception checks and quickly turned on their attackers, at which the enemy leader unleashed a word of power. Ylimor was unaffected thanks to his faith, and Biznard and Daramin had their own natural defenses. The rest of the party had their right arm broken. Shamil powered through the pain, but Cahir's arm hanged uselessly throughout the battle. Shamil immediately backstabbed the caster, killing him with a well placed shortsword in the armpit.

Biznard was swiftly broken beneath the blades, and Daramin was knocked out shortly after. His fire aura persisted for a while, heavily burning his attackers. Shamil summoned his elemental and Cahir animated a fallen foe's armor, thus holding the line while Dalibor shot and Ylimor hacked at the brutes. In the end, the monsters fell, but the party was badly shaken.

Nevertheless, they quickly recuperated and decided to assault the village.

Dalibor sneaked in invisibly, spying on a large cage holding humanoid prisoners, as well as the chieftain's hut. The large brute killed and ate a prisoner, shaking the thief, but solidifying his conviction to burn everything to the ground. He returned to tell his tale (not omitting the light and dark artefact in the chieftain's hut), and the adventurers cooked up a plan of attack.

Dalibor sneaked back and took up position near the prisoners' cage. Daramin went invisible and lit up the village. This distracted the monsters, and the rest of the party charged and dismembered the gate guard, then slaughtered those trying to put out the fires. The chieftain and his guard walked out the main hut...

... and that's where we'll continue next time!

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