
Thursday, June 8, 2023

Contrast commission goblins

Just a bunch of goblins with some special characters. I decided to go a bit further with these than last year's townsfolk.


Prime Munitorum Varnish, then Grey Seer. About 6 had to be re-primed by hand using Grey Seer due to behaving funny.

Then on to the Contrast paints. Generic goblins first:

  • skin Orc Flesh
  • bandages Aggaros Dunes
  • claws/bones Skeleton Horde
  • metal Basilicanum Grey
  • gold earrings Nazdreg Yellow
  • wood Wyldwood
  • teeth Agrax Earthshade
  • tongue/mouth interior Volupus Pink
  • leather Snakebite Leather
  • fire Iyanden Yellow/Gryph Hound Orange
  • hair Ratling Grime
  • fletching Nuln Oil
  • any other leathery detail Garaghak Sewer
Then some additional details:
  • pick out the eyes using Agrax Earthshade
  • rust effects Gryph Hound Orange
  • blended feathers: Iyanden Yellow/Magmadroth Flame; Magmadroth Flame/Blood Angels Red; Iyanden Yellow/Striking Scorpion Green
  • grass Dark Angels Green
  • base rim Black Templar

Now for the special characters. Some additional type of details:

  • drum skin Seraphim Sepia
  • drum outer skin Gryph Hound Orange
  • musician cloth Ultramarine Blue
  • fighter cloth Blood Angels Red
  • blond hair Aggaros Dunes
  • boots Cygor Brown
  • cobblestone Space Wolves Grey
  • white beard Soulblight Grey (which is great for this)
  • blue magic ball Pylar Glacier (which is great for this)


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