
Monday, July 10, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Hunting the scorpion monster

Having recovered from opening the door and destroying the statue, the adventurers looked around the area to find several doors and stairs, as well as the central pit. Let the search begin! There was some treasure around, but the paladins detected undead in the pit. The best way to avoid a trap is to spring it, and so the adventurers marched down.

And they were immediately attacked by 4 undead constructs. One was immediately turned and ran into a corner. The others were slowly being hacked down. The fight became much more interesting when rays of frost started targeting the party from thin air.

Antrius got turned into a cockroach, with none the wiser. One undead down, Ireth decided to join the fight as an ankylosaur (troll).

However, she was quickly targeted by the rays of frost. In the meantime, the paladins were engulfed by bone, broke out, got engulfed again etc. And the roach ate crap found on the dungeon floor.

Ireth tried to run away but got knocked out. Bards do bard things even as a roach, so I had a lady roach appear from a crack in the wall.

The paladins fought on, with any attempt at dispelling the polymorph counterspell'd. Nobody thought to step on the roach, though.

Until someone suggested it. 

By this time though, Brienne also went down and the party was split. At least the invisible caster was revealed to be the scorpion monster.

Having had enough of the fight, the scorpion monster took Brienne's unconscious body and skittered away. The party pursued. Antrius even thought of a no-line-of-sight damage spell, but all they found was a cloud of magical darkness.

Next up: the chase continues.

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