
Monday, July 31, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Showdown

We picked up the adventure mid-chase, as the adventurers were stopped by a large cloud of magical darkness. Of course they managed to dispel it on the spot, laying eyes on an evil statue. Ireth was stunned by the shear malefic influence, but Groin successfully restored her. Onwards!

The adventurers fumbled around a moving statue which slashed at them, a blood-smeared door which just wouldn't budge, giving ample time for Murial to regroup and dismember Brienne. Spoiler alert! Yeah, she was just laying there in bits and pieces in the middle of the next room. Just as Groin went in after her body, 5 statues animated and attacked.

The statues were no match for the party...

...but the invisible Muiral was. Groin also had to leave for a moment, and so the adventurers retreated into an adjacent room.

They had a thing going on with Leomund's Tiny Hut and going in one at a time, so Murial blocked the door and waited patiently with Lightning Bolt prepared.

Finally, after inflicting enough pain and suffering on the adventurers, the monster retreated, leaving them to take Brienne's corpse.

The adventurers went back to Vlonvelw, tails between their legs, and asked for a resurrection. She is a powerful priestess after all. After copious amount of laughing, she agreed to waive their monetary reward in exchange for waking Brienne up, of course with the caveat that she would die in 36 hours should they not fulfill their end of the bargain. The adventurers rested, then left to hunt Murial once again. The door stopped them dead in their tracks to my (and the dark elves') enjoyment. They went around, through the teleporting statues, and caught Murial in his lair.

But let's give a moment to acknowledge the amount of planning that went into the hunt. They debated thoroughly how to beat the monster. And they married each other. For +2AC. Yes, they went there. The unlikely unions:

  • Groin <3 Tari[1]
  • Antrius <3 Ireth[2]
  • Solid <3 Brienne[3]

Solid and Brienne immediately went forwards. Murial awakened his mutated bodyguards and split the room with Wall of Force. I expected the large hall to be an advantageous battleground - it was exactly the opposite. Maybe the action economy had its say as well. Murial found itself peppered by arrows and spells, stung by giant wasps, standing in a wall of fire. All the while his bodyguards could barely touch the two paladins. Not to mention Antrius turned Brienne into a giant crab.

Groin drank his potion of giant size and joined the fray, easily clambering across the wall.

Finally, the monster turned tail and ran.

However, he was blocked off, his spells countered, and, just as he was reaching for the second door, he was killed. Good job team!

[1] Just as in real life.
[2] Who cares about long lost love.
[3] I got nothing.

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