
Monday, August 14, 2023

Mission #2 - Raid the Ork camp

The Imperials formed a battle line and assaulted the Ork camp, with the Orks haphazardly[1] deployed around the objectives. Fittingly, the Ork vehicles rolled to deploy beside the fuel dump. My objective: hold the objectives for a turn, thus razing them.

The left flank was held down by the Atican City Fighters[2], with the infiltrators - Sylvestra[3] and the Callidus Assassin in the opposing corner.

The nuns held the center, with the Ogryns and Bullgryns to the right.

The battle tank Livia Drusilla held down the right flank.

Battle round 1

The Imperials launched their surprise attack by first taking the Squig Pen.

I also made a move for the Boss Pole.

Shooting and charging cleared the Boyz off the Boss Pole.

The tank shot down a turret (Mek Gun) and decimated the Flash 'Ardz.

The infiltrators shot and charged the Deffkoptas, with Sylvestra instantly dying. Looks like more of a utility guy than a fighter.

With already two objectives under Imperial control, the Orks made their move. The Fortunate Sunz Deffkoptas circled back to the assassin. Nobz with Warboss moved on the Boss Pole. Beast Snaggaz and Deff Dread approached the City Fighters.

The 4 flamer overwatch was brutal, leaving only the Nob alive. However, it and the Deff Dread were enough to murder most of the City Fighters, leaving them battle shocked and unable to raze the Squig Pen.

The Nobz rammed into the Bullgryns, leaving them also battle shocked, but I passed here to raze the Boss Pole.

In a stroke of luck, the Callidus Assassin killed both Deffkoptaz. 

Battle round 2

I soon razed the Boss Pole with the Ogryns and the Boyz Hut with the Assassin, leaving just one objective to raze for victory. A group of Boyz showed up as reinforcements from the Hut, but they only became relevant by holding the fuel dump. 

The relatively open terrain gave the Guard the advantage, and the battle tank shot to good effect each turn. Notice the crumped remains of the second Mek Gun.

The nuns were ground down, but they finally retreated and shot down Warboss 'Edkrakka.

In the end, we only played 2.5 turns due to the shop closing, but if we had finished the game, the Orks would have been tabled and all objectives taken.

The biggest sad was that we couldn't experience all the random effects that my opponent drafted for razing objectives. The unit of free Boyz was awesome. I would have liked to see rampaging squigs, exploding fuel dumps and whatnot.

We decided to double experience gained from this game onwards, and so we'll be seeing some actual Crusade-type upgrades from next game on.

[1] Randomly.
[2] Catachan conversions that I'll post about shortly.
[3] Sly Marbo.

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