
Thursday, August 3, 2023

Painting Death Korps of Krieg (special equipment)

With the first 10 troopers painted and the color scheme vetted, time to fill out the ranks with the special equipment guys.


Paint them all up according the color scheme previously documented. 4 troopers are all done.

Muzzle flash on the flamer and melta.

Blood on the surgeon's tool. Waystone Green over silver for the screen.

Paint the wire spool Blood Angels Red, then highlight diluted Orange Fire.

Paint the scroll and book as scrolls. I made this look like a pirate treasure map.

The outside of the book is just Snakebite Leather.

The medkits are Apothecary White with Dead White highlights, then trace the symbol with Blood Angels Red.

Plasma and power sword

The nuns bear blue coiled plasma guns, but these troopers are already all blue. I wanted something to stand out, so here's an orange plasma gun. And an orange power sword.

Basecoat the coils Dead White.

Paint 90% Iyanden Yellow, slop over the edges, and paint the barrel. Then Gryph-Hound Orange on the outside edge then feather a tiny bit inside. Same using Flesh Tearers.

Diluted Dead White at the base of the coils.

Also basecoat the power sword Dead White.

Coat Gryph Hound Orange, then a second coat on opposing edges.

Dilute Blood Angels Red and repeat twice, each time on a smaller surface.

Edge highlight Orange Fire.

Spot highlight Dead White.


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