
Monday, September 11, 2023

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Combat reunion

The players reunited after a month-long hiatus, but we got surprisingly much done in-game. 

After the compulsory refresher on what happened last time, Zaaz[1] updated the adventurers on the roads to follow. Either back to the troglodytes, take the dark elves head on, or approach them from behind. The party opted for a good old fashioned ambush. Now, Zaaz explicitly mentioned that they shouldn't go near the hole in the ground. You can see where this is going.

Groin stuck his head into the hole to see how deep it is, and he was immediately attacked by all the stirges living inside. The party made short work of the beasties, but all the combat attracted the attention of the dark elves, who attacked immediately, their shadow demons appearing right in between the adventurers.

Tari fell down, poisoned, and Szivem fell unconscious after the demons attacked her. 

Brienne turned the unholy, causing all the demons to flee, and Antrius incapacitated three of the drow. The other three retreated under the cover of darkness[2].

Szivem, being awoken by Groin's Mass Healing Word, nuked the drow, while the rest of the party fell on the one shadow demon who did not manage to run away far enough.

The adventurers reprimanded Zaaz for not telling them about the stirges, then carried on through the caverns. They fought an overweight troll covered in boils; each time a boil burst, a swarm of wasps got out.

Finally, they heard the sounds of battle from around the corner, but it was getting late, so we decided to leave it for next time.[3]

[1] The dark elf who surrendered, becoming the party's new best friend.
[2] A green napkin.
[3] Although we stayed for "10 more minutes of banter" which then actually lasted for 40 minutes, which could have easily finished the encounter.

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