
Thursday, September 7, 2023

Magnetizing a Plagueburst Crawler

I initially thought of putting a LED inside this tank as well, but a) the interior is compartmentalized and a lot more complicated than the IG tanks b) I couldn't find a good enough exit point for the LED c) I wanted a smoke effect instead. So here's just the magnetized options.

The body can be assembled without any changes, as the weapon mounts are conveniently separate pieces. Note that I drilled a glued a pin into the mortar - that is for later. 

For the sponsoons, chop off the nubs and drill a 2mm hole for a 2mm magnet. Also drill the hull gun mount.

Chop off the nub on the stubber, then drill a 2mm hole. Also drill the volleygun.

The square hole on the sponsoon weapons is already conveniently 2mm sized, so just glue in the magnets.

Here's the end result.

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