
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Painting Slaaneshi Hellstrider riders

With the steeds already painted, time for the riders to get done. I pinned them all to corks for this operation.


Prime Grey Seer in expectation of slaaneshi leather & metal. The one thing I need to mention is that I basecoated the skin first, then the leather in Black Templar, and finally the metal in Gunmetal. This allowed me to be as sloppy as possible everywhere.

After those are done, highlight the skintones: dark, pale and copper skin.

For dark skin, I tried something simple. Basecoat Cygor Brown.

Highlight Dark Fleshtone. Actually not bad.

Claw hands

This is actually the same scheme I used for Syl'Esske. Start with a basecoat of 6:1 diluted Shyish Purple.

Then coat Magos Purple.

Finish off with 2:1 diluted Black Templar, then highlight Slaanesh Grey.

Remaining details

Slaaneshi cloth on the banner.

Basecoat the hair Iyanden Yellow.

Highlight Fluorescent Yellow.


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