
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Painting Fiends of Slaanesh

Time for a squad of another needlessly overdesigned, overengineered and overcomplicated GW miniatures. Now that I got that off my chest, they do look awesome after painting, though. The only problem is that painting so many details is more of a chore than fun. Doing the first step took over an hour on 3 models. So even with this boss painting scheme from the Warhipster, it took quite a long time. Anyway... 

Painting (basecoats and Contrasts)

Prime Grey Seer. Paint the spikes, eyes, armor and claws Black Templar. Also the horns, which I forgot and will touch up later.

Paint the stockings (also on the tail) with Hexed Lichen.

Paint the claws, hair and back cloth (?) with Shyish Purple.

Magos Purple on the tongue and tabard.

Dilute Shyish Purple 1:4 then paint over the stockings, lower arm (up to the jewelry), head and neck. Feather out the end of the snout.

Dilute Black Templar 1:2 and paint over about 3/4 of the claws, stocking halfway up the thighs and about 2/3 of the tail. Feather out the ends.

Paint the skin 2:1 Apothecary White / Magos Purple.

Paint all the jewels, metalic spikes, bracers, pearls etc Leadbelcher.

Coat all the metallics Magos Purple.

Paint the nipples Shyish Purple.

Painting highlights and stuff

Highlight the black parts Cold Grey (except the eyes).

Layer the skin 2:1 Pallid Wych Flesh / Slaanesh Grey. Edge highlight the tongue, highlight the loincloth.

Highlight the purple parts Heavy Violet.

Superhighlight Slaanesh Grey.

Gem-style highlight the eyes Electric Blue.

Highlight the metallics and coat all the gems Silver.

Paint the gems Akhelian Green, then do a gem-style spot highlight using Dead White on the gems and the eyes.


Finish off with the Woodland base.


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