
Monday, November 20, 2023

Astra Militarum vs Necrons, 07.11.2023

A small demo game of 360ish points. It was my opponent's first game since several editions, so we just pretended to play kill points and went through the basics of the game.

I forgot to take pictures of the setup. We each had two units that moved a bit forward in the first turn. 

Battle round 2 

Flayed Ones arrive from reserves! I did an Overwatch to no effect.

The City Fighters squad took some casualties but with cover and Take Cover! only a couple of them died.

With a proper shooting phase, the Flayed Ones died to plasma and lasgun.

The City Fighters exited the ruins and shot the Necron Warriors, but the overlord commanded them to execute Protocol of the Vengeful Stars. I took way more casualties than I inflicted.

Afraid of another shooting like that, I charged. Now unlike the Flayed Ones who failed their 9", I rolled 6-6. That's how you win at Warhammer!

Battle round 3

The Necrons were held up by 3 models total, and killed my unit and its Primaris Psyker in their fight phase. 

I, of course, brought them back. 

All my shooting, including orders on the Kriegers, overcharged plasma, Fields of Fire stratagem for AP-1 flamers, and I still couldn't kill the whole squad of Warriors. So I charged with the City Fighters, rolling 5-6. That's how you win at Warhammer!

The S4 AP-1 attacks killed off the remaining few Warriors, and even dented the Overlord. He fought back, but with Suppression Fire missed all his attacks.

Battle round 4

The City Fighters retreated, and the Overlord died to Krieger shooting.


Necron Warriors are ridiculously resilient, with the attached character and Resurrection Orb. I wonder how a unit like that does in a larger game.

Speaking of, playing at such a low points value changed the game completely. We lacked long range firepower, so all CPs in the first 2 rounds went unused. Plenty to then spam Vengeful Stars and Undying Legions, and for me to spend them all in round 3.

The Flayed Ones were sadly misused, but we wanted to see the reserves mechanics, charging and overwatch.

Guardsmen die fast, and lasguns do next to nothing, even at such points. Even grenade launchers failed, with 3 of them cranking out 15-20 shots each turn into the Warriors, to no permanent effect.

Alas, we shall meet again!

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