
Thursday, November 16, 2023

Painting an armored angel

This 3d printed miniature was a surprise gift by Cahir's player (see MAGUS). Little did he know, he just handed me the BBEG for our current campaign!

Note: I love this miniature. It does have some 3d printing flaws, but it is just everything I personally think miniatures should be. Very detailed, but few kinds of details, enabling a high grade paintjob without taking a lifetime.


Prime Grey Seer.

I imagined large, white wings for our angelic looking guy, but the Cold white scheme is way too dark in the recesses - especially on such large wings. So I used Soulblight Grey instead.

Apply the highlights by drybrushing. Then line the stems of the feathers with Dead White by hand.

There, the largest and most impressive feature of the miniature is done. Carry on with 3 more types of surfaces:

Clean-up any spills, fix the rim and spray varnish.

I considered placing tufts on the base, but decided against it as the wings frame the figure perfectly with the colorful middle point. I did not want to attract the eye away from any of it.


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