
Monday, January 22, 2024

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Princess of zombies

New year, new fight... we resumed mid combat, with a slightly different party, and more monsters attacking from all sides. 

After a round, all the humanoid corpses twitching rose and attacked the monsters. The adventurers did not get the hint and killed all the zombies. Even though I specifically said they do not attack them, and move towards some spot with purpose. Oh well...

Surprise surprise, the exit lead into a larger cavern with a drow castle well defended by crossbowmen and a mage. The first volley already saw the adventurers poisoned and some even unconscious, and they could barely recover with their piddly spell slots and remaining resources. They decided to explore the remaining caverns, discovering a robotic spider as well as a metal worm that flattened them... at least Brienne made her save and lay on hands'd the rest of the party.

Bruised and battered, the adventurers retreated to the level above, resting and recuperating with the dark elves. Who laughed their asses off seeing the party beaten to death in an hour or so. Also, Solid did not get his long rest, instead suffering his nightmare of being locked up in the dark.[1]

The players gave some thought to the nightmares, but even with some hints, could not come up with an explanation. Neither to the zombies. At least their wedding AC expired, and I tempted Brienne with a quick way of restoring her power. No success.

They descended again, finding some zombies still alive[2], waiting for them, kneeling. After some experiments, they realized that the zombies can be controlled by Szivem.[3] Thus, they led their army to assault the castle walls.

The drow were waiting for them, and the two sides exchanged spells and shots. Several drow warriors were killed by synaptic static, with the mage approaching Solid on command.

To be continued...

[1] A subplot I introduced, but the players still aren't getting it. Surprising nobody.
[2] So to speak.
[3] Although they did not figure out the exact method of control. Hint: complicated sentences don't work.

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