
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Painting a ghost and banshee

I happened upon the female kickstarter miniatures buried in a drawer. First to be painted up is Caoimhe, Restless Spirit and her banshee variant.


Prime Grey Seer.

Paint the clothes Ionrach Skin. I also painted the hair Dead Flesh, for variety.

Paint the entire miniature 3:1 diluted Nihilakh Oxide.

Paint the cloth 3:1 diluted Nighthaunt Gloom. I also did 3:1 diluted Hexwraith Flame on the hair, but I don't like the result.

Drybrush the whole miniature Stonewall Grey.

Paint the banshee variant about the same, but instead of Hexwraith Flame, do regular Pylar Glacier on the hair. The overall blue effect is better, less dissonant.

Drybrush Stonewall Grey.

Paint the eyes and open mouth Aethermatic Blue.

Highlight the eyes and open mouth Dead White. I also did edge highlights all over the minis.


Woodland base. 


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