
Thursday, February 1, 2024

Painting a dwarf crossbowman

A truly ancient miniature, lifted from storage to be painted along with the other dwarves. The kit was a bad fit, you can see my ancient (and pretty bad) putty work where the cape starts.

Prime Grey Seer. I experimented with the black cloak, and I updated the paint mix page with the results.

Black cape experiment

Basecoat black. The original color scheme called for Black Legion, I instead did Black Templar/Basilicanum Grey. I think a more transparent black would have worked better, because...

Drakenhof Nightshade is invisible after drying.

Highlight Dark Reaper.

Highlight Thunderhawk Blue.

Superhighlight Wolf Grey.

Looks OK but a lot of work.

Other details

Paint up to:

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