
Monday, March 18, 2024

Astra Militarum vs Necrons, 08.03.2024

This was supposed to be a 1000 points demo/training game for a player new to 10th edition, but it turned out to be very close and intense. 

Given the setup, I took an experimental all infantry list and devised a very simple scenario with 5 objectives each granting 1 VP each as per regular rules, plus Slay the Warlord/First Blood/Linebreaker for 2 VPs each.

Battle round 1

I got first turn but the enemy was well hidden and I couldn't shoot anything. I took some objectives, but then Illuminor Szeras pounced forward, shot down Sly (I still don't know what that model is good for) and charged into my kriegers. Then proceeded to be a thorn in my side (face) for the rest of the game.

First time I've seen the epic challenge stratagem put to good use, with both attached characters dead first turn. 

Battle round 2

I retreated onto the objective, then moved in the catachans to try a play at Illuminor. Scions dropped in for help as well, but everything did nothing.

Kasrkin came in from reserve, and shot at the warriors along with the cadian nuns.

The warriors then advanced and gunned down the kasrkin.

The other flank advanced as well, shooting down many kriegers.

The warriors then charged in, aiming to but failing at killing the kasrkin. Trixie survived and went on to do things.

Battle round 3

With my forces severely diminished, I decided to do what I always do: deny VPs. Catachans moving forward. I focused fire on the immortals, killing them.

Wraiths killed off my roadblock scions. I shot some down with the artillery, but they came back, as they always do.

Surprisingly, the cadians beat the warriors in melee. Attached characters really showed up. 

Battle round 4

Trixie retreated to take the left most objective. Cadians moved up to fire and block.

Turns sped up as we had few units left. The catachans died in the middle, but successfully decided a lot of VPs. We then maneuvered for maximum VPs during the final turn.

The necrons were behind on "primaries" but had achieved all secondaries. Lucy died first turn for Slay the Warlord. Damn you Sly for giving up first blood! The wraiths then finished in my zone for Linebreaker.

I was ahead on primaries and did well denying. I had killed the warlord attached to the warriors. Reinforcement kriegers also showed up in the backline, taking the necron objective and scoring Linebreaker.


10-10 draw! A perfect ending for this nailbiter of a game, we had tremendous fun.

Also, with the lists so far off the meta, we had some unexpected star players. Illuminor took a lot of firepower but barely any damage, killed a lot and scrapped in the middle all game. The catachans killed a whole squad of scarabs on overwatch, then hosed down the immortals as well.

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