
Monday, March 4, 2024

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Drow castle siege

The reconstructed battle scene from the end of last session looked like this. Although Solid was missing, I ruled that the drow mage still obeyed his command spell and floated down from the battlements, only to be ripped apart by the zombies. Group initiative coming up!

As the zombies were happily munching on the mage, the adventurers came up to the gate, which opened of its own accord... drow counter attack!

Seeing their predicament, the adventurers unleashed their spells. Sleet storm blocked off one parapet, disabling the mage on top. Fireball cleared away the weaker goblins and injured the rest of the fighters. A melee then broke out in the gateway.

As the adventurers fought the drow to a standstill, reinforcements arrived. The crew from the right tower descended the wall to attack from behind, and demonic reinforcements showed up from the inner courtyard.

The adventurers fought desperately against poison, stun, spells and blades.

At one point, the druid shifted into an ankylosaur (winged snake) and the bard made the paladin a giant ape (tree).

By the skin of their teeth, the adventurers prevailed.

The rest of the castle was seemingly empty, all its forces having sallied forth to meet the adventurers. The party broke into the main chamber, encountering just a couple more drow and their old friends, Random and Nixi. The two had no appetite for a fight and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. 

The heavily pregnant drow lady then summoned giant spiders to hold the adventurers off, as she disappeared down a secret passage. However, neither the magical minions, nor the surviving drow were enough to defeat the party. They stormed down the passage and capture the lady of the castle.

Next session: negotiations?

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