
Thursday, March 14, 2024

Painting brown (Kodiak) bears

At some point, if we ever get to play again, Legorlas will be able to summon bears. Must be ready for that occasion. The minis are a mix of D&D boardgame bears (one already painted with a basecoat and wash) and one WizKids miniature (I think).


Kodiak bears are reddish brown, so apply an overall coat of diluted Gore Grunta Fur.

Second layer except on the spine.

Diluted Wyldwood around the belly and inside the arms and legs.

The painted bear had an opposite color scheme applied, with a reddish brown all over and a wash (Agrax?) across the back. I followed that with the layers above. A bit darker but OK.

Now I wanted some highlights, especially on such a textured mini. I did an overall light drybrush of Khaki then a drybrush of Bonewhite across the spine.

It is way too light a color now.

Although it looks kinda good on this other mini with larger fur lines.

But absolutely horrible on the darker fur.

So I applied a diluted coat of Reikland Fleshshade to blend the highlights in, but keep the reddish brown tones.

Finish off the details: Khaki snout, then wash Nuln Oil and highlights. Volupus Pink inside mouth, Black Templar eyes and nose, Bonewhite highlight on the fangs.

Agrax Earthshade on the claws, then highlight Bonewhite.


Woodland base. 


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