
Monday, April 1, 2024

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: So... what is welding?

We started the session with the adventurers capturing the fleeing matriarch of House Freth. She negotiated well, and the adventurers let her go in exchange for treasure. She had quite the attitude[1] as well. Then, they returned to House Auvryndar to announce the clearing of the level. Vlonwelv believed them, and gave them more gold. After a long rest, the party descended to the level below.

Obviously, they forgot about the gigantic robot worm circulating in the tunnels, so they got run over again. Then they entered a large cavern, where they saw sparks flying - several large constructs were welding[2] a large thing together from scrap iron.

The adventurers were then beset by flying crossbows, firing at them from beyond sight range. The party bravely ran away, and accepted the help of... a goblin.

Several goblins, in fact, were also hiding out and observing the proceedings. They led the adventurers to their fortress camp, and laid out the facts. A gnome lives in a giant scrap fort and controls the constructs. The goblins will show the back entrance in exchange for the construct-controlling ring of the gnome. The adventurers accepted.

The goblins then led the adventurers around their camp, shared their observations regarding the giant worm, toured the torched mushroom forest, and sneaked the adventurers into an elemental forge.

[1] Which I enjoyed roleplaying.

[2] We debated whether the characters understood the concept.

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