
Monday, May 27, 2024

A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game Tournament Game 2: Starks vs Free Folk

Game 2 against the Free Folk in a room with much better lighting. This time, I planned a refuse flank on the other side. I never fought a giant before!

First turn was, as always, posturing and baiting. The Thenn Warriors advanced towards the side objective. I let them. Behind that strategically placed palisade, they scored, but were otherwise irrelevant, until the end of the game. The best part of this play was that the bear riders advanced, just in position to be charged by the Tully cavalry.

Which I, of course, immediately executed. The bears were severely decimated. They later retreated and charged back in, but the cavalry held. 

In another daring maneuver, the other Tully cavalry caught Borroq's Boar out in the open, using is as a slingshot into the middle of the board.

All the while the Tully infantry held against the giant king's brutal melee.

With all my cavalry in the middle, I side charged everything as much as I could, while ignoring the Thenn. With only that single unit remaining, my opponent conceded.

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