
Monday, May 13, 2024

Golden Vault: Prison break part 2

I didn't write a part 1 because I missed part 1 of this adventure. The group was hired by a clan of dwarves to open their safe. Or, actually, to get the information on how to open the safe. Which we couldn't access. And the only person who can open the safe is inside a prison. But we don't actually have to break her out. Just get the intel. Oh, and by the way, the prison is the same one we saw in the D&D movie. But no Jonathan this time.

So in the first session, the group gathered information on the prison with some help from the dwarves. We each got a magical hologram tattoo of the layout. It is also needed to open doors, which are always under arcane locks.

We infiltrated the establishment as either guards or cooks. The place can only be reached by boat, there are 2 month shifts. A rescue boat is waiting for us to give a light signal. And we have to buy our own equipment, including splint mail, sword, and warm clothing. Great.

We continued making friends.

I tried to approach the elven doctor, but she seemed jaded towards the guards' advances. I still managed to get some sleeping pills to help me relax.

Tinkerbell served breakfast and flirted with our target prisoner no. 13 (right picture). Thaldohr tried the same, but his aggressive flirts only resulted in smirks.

We scouted the armory guarded by Timmy (middle picture). He seemed very eager for somebody to touch the weapons he was guarding. Tinkerbell did just that, just to see what would happen. He got zapped. Fortunately the warden, the wizard Marta Martaniss, came to the rescue.

We did some more generic scouting. We discovered that Marta was sometimes possessed by her long dead dwarven buddy, who then comes down to drink and party. I raided the warden's office but only found paperwork, and her bedroom was locked even to my hologram. Tinkerbell made friends with inmates.

Finally, Tinkerbell cornered prisoner 13 during break in the courtyard, and pitched her the deal: we break her out in return for the safe opening intel. Her answer was totally unexpected. She actually did not want to break out. 20 years in the life of a dwarf was a small price to pay for protection against her various enemies while stuff cooled down. However, she would give us the intel in return for a chance to study the prisoners' files. 

Next time the warden came down to party while possessed, an invisible Aris sneaked into her office with me standing guard outside. He simply made a copy of the files. Then, at next poop carrying duty, we did the switcheroo. Thaldohr and I were volunteer guards. Sparks disguised himself as the prisoner using illusion magic. All the while the rest of the party, and the prisoner, used Aris' rope trick to hide and study the papers. Surprisingly, prisoner 13 seemed impervious to mind reading, truth assuring spells. But she seemed honest while giving us the key. Or, rather the cypher or something, tattooed on her right hand.

And that was it. During the next night, we snuck out, feather fall'd down the elevator shaft and signaled for our pick-up. We picked up our rewards, including a negotiated 3% of whatever was in the safe. A bit over what we spent on entry, but whatever.

We also discovered that a mini-mimic ate our star charts. But now we have a mimic companion.


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