
Monday, July 15, 2024

Free Folk vs Martells, 06.07.2024

We disregarded the time constraints during the first game, so we had to rush the second one a bit. Another army I've never faced before, with completely different stats and abilities, but weirdly similar, extremely elite build.

With all my opponents' troops on the left flank, I safely sent my Trappers to take the right. The Darkstar outflanked behind me, but luckily I could free maneuver turn around a squad of Raiders to face them.

We danced around the middle with the cavalry and archers, but my favorite part was the squad of Raiders standing off with the spearmen on the left. I did not dare charge without reinforcements, and they did not charge as they already held the objective.

The Spearwives came in to provide a distraction and take the objective from the spearmen, but they were immediately charged by the cavalry and died. The cavalry was itself badly mauled, and the lone survivor retreated with the objective. However, I had also taken the middle.

And now it was just delaying tactics.

I was out of steam, and the Martell troops slowly healed up. 

My Raiders died, but I was scoring two points per turn.

We had to end early due to running out of time, and I scored a slim victory 6-5. All thanks to the hero Skinchanger on the left, holding out alone. Had he died, or failed his morale, it would have been a tie.

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