
Monday, August 5, 2024

Free Folk vs Lannisters, 27.06.2024

After my string of failures with the Tully double cavalry list, I felt it prudent to go back to my favorite Free Folk infantry horde. I replaced Styr with Harma and the Savage Giant with a spear thrower, just to see how they would work.

The spear thrower giant did work out quite nicely, killing a knight in the first shooting attempt. However, he failed all the morale checks for Lannister supremacy, and after turn 2 I was too afraid to shoot again.

The infantry died in droves (as expected), however my double charge and skinchanger bear attack killed Tywin's halberdier unit in 2 turns.

No fancy maneuvering could save Harma's Thenn Warriors during the next turn.

I tied down the Crossbowmen as much as possible. I also held down the Golden Company Swordsmen with a bear for a whole round.

In the end, the resilience of the Lannister troops proved greater.

Just before the end. Once free of the ever looming threat of the outflanking Spearwives, the Knights swept around my center and flank, killing even the giant.

We finished turn 6, score 14-10.

The battle report was a bit rushed, I was super into the game and forgot to take pictures. Also the alternate activation style of ASOIAF always makes it hard to capture the action.

Apparently I really enjoy maneuvering infantry around the board. And the game went relatively well, but I gave up lots of kill points, as always with the Free Folk. Probably the first game we took to turn 6, as well.

The spear thrower giant was an interesting backline threat, but in the end accomplished nothing. The knights healed back to full thanks to their Clegane Butcher. But a simple tactics effect or card could have done the same. The same role of holding down an objective could have been accomplished by a squad of Raiders.

I held back the outflanking Spearwives until turn 4. The threat of an instant cavalry charge killing them was too great, also the mission cards messed up the turn order. In the end, they killed nothing and just scored 3 points total, which is still a lot and more than the giant accomplished.

Speaking of mission cards, this was the first time I played with them and they add an interesting layer over the game, like a mini game of outsmarting your opponent or goading him into doing something that gives you points.

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