
Monday, September 2, 2024

Golden Vault: Painting stealback/bloodbath part 2

Another heist where I missed the first part. So a gang of thieves called "The Fast Hands" stole a magical painting of Michael Jackson from some noble woman.

During the first part, the adventurers hustled up some info and intercepted a gang member called Erix the Saint during his "meeting" with a barmaid. Somebody sneaked in and stole his master key without him noticing. There was also a captured lookout during the original heist, a young boy. The party interrogated him to get a rough map, then buried him alive with a straw to breathe through.

With all the pieces of the puzzle obtained (or so they thought), the adventurers approached the thieves' compound, that was fronted as a stable. Tinkerbell promptly set it all on fire. While the thieves were busy with the fire, the party sneaked in through the back by smashing through some windows. This was noticed, apparently, and the party fought the bandit leader and his pet oni while retrieving the painting. Not only was the painting trapped, but it also had an attitude, and fired magic missiles at the adventurers. It landed in the bag of holding.

And this is where we started. We were atop a tower, with thieves on the ground shooting at us with bows, and an invisible oni lurking around.

Tinkerbell distracted the bandits with a silent image of himself flying out, then Thaldohr threw out some smoke bombs after the shooters revealed themselves.

We rappelled/jumped/spider climbed out to fight the thieves. It was a confusing mess of running from smoke curtain to smoke curtain, shooting whenever we could, fighting blindly in the smoke. Finally, the surviving bandits along with the oni regrouped behind the remaining structure.

They were somewhat savvy but we overpowered them, thanks to Tinkerbell putting 2 to sleep, and Thaldohr tanking the oni and hitting him hard enough to break his invisibility. I rolled all the 1's possible so no big damage burst, even with all the weapon upgrades I purchased as a downtime.

We managed to capture the thief boss alive, taking over any operations in progress, looting everything from the compound, and then turning her over to the city watch for a reward.

We then returned the painting to collect more rewards.

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