
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Dungeon crawl: mopping up the first floor


As any good RPG player knows, no rooms must be left unexplored in a dungeon. When returning to the ruins again, the players decided to explore the remainder of the first floor. This seemed a suitable task, as they were only 4 for this session.

The caverns

The only unexplored entrance was that of a huge, dark cavern. The adventurers immediately noticed movement at the edge of their vision, but nothing came out of the darkness. However, when the party was split when squeezing through some stalactites, the giant rats attacked!

Just when the rats were about to be exterminated... a yellow slime made its way from the darkness!

The slime way annoying, as it split into multiple smaller slimes when dropped to half health. Still, the adventurers prevailed and found a hidden room with some supplies inside.

The underground lake

From the caverns, the party descended on old stone stairs to the shores of a small, underground lake. They contemplated what to do, and whether they should swim to the small island in the lake, giving ample time for the blue slime to ambush them.

The kruthik lair

There was one more exit from the caverns. The corridors got narrower, and the party soon realized they were party dug by animals. They passed by a pit trap containing some unknown beast. The druid decided to climb down and examine it, revealing it to be a kruthik - a reptile-like, hive minded creature. Surely, that doesn't mean anything for the near future, right?

The creatures appeared suddenly, from barely visible tunnels dug into the walls. They used hit-and-run tactics, as well as shielded the larger creatures by sacrificing smaller ones. 

Ultimately, they were defeated, and the party went ahead to destroy their hive and eggs - to the druid's regret. She did manage to save an egg, though, keeping it for later.

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