
Friday, January 13, 2017

Dungeon crawl: pressing on


After last session's mopping up, the party returned to exploring the second level of the dungeon.

It's a trap!

DM's note. This room taught me that it's very hard to design good traps. There were some interesting choices in the room - fire spewing dragon statues, a giant knight statue that swung its sword, and a magical water trap that was supposed to drown anybody caught inside. This looked good on paper and I was excited to see what happens. Well, the party blasted the knight statue away, the rogue danced around the dragons for several turns until he managed to hack the mechanisms... and the druid turned into a fish.

A bit of horror

The next room contained a large number of undead (see their discarded corpses down below). The party rummaged through half-chewed corpses and remains to find some magic items.


The zombie room also contained a floating clay golem that ran away. The final doors protected a room that just emanated evil! Heads up - boss fight ahead.

1 comment:

  1. You guys drink to much. Wine corks are everywhere on the maps.
