
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Improved sandy bases on Pink Horrors and Screamers of Tzeentch

After finishing the Saxons from Shadows over Camelot, I felt inspired by how well the sandy bases turned out. I decided to facelift my other minis with sandy bases.

Pink Horrors

The Pink Horrors follow the basing tip to the letter. The original bases had the same layers of sand as how the Saxons start out, but they also have red rocky beads added. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but later I realized they look out of place. The retouching of the sand also covered the beads in sandy colors, so all is well in the end :-)

Original bases:


Khaki drybrush:

Bonewhite drybrush:

Screamers of Tzeentch

The Screamers also have a scenic tray. I also enhanced that.

The original bases lack the top layer of light sand, and instead have it mixed into the darker sand. This looks better on its own (approaching the colored result of the Saxons), but I still wanted to retouch it due to the red beads.


Double drybrush:

Conclusion of the day: the painting tip followed to the letter looks good, but if the base lacks two original layers of sand, the result is a bit bland.

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