
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Repainting the Picts from the Shadows over Camelot boardgame


I was very happy with how these guys originally turned out. I was especially proud of the "freehanded" body paint. As far as only basecoated models go - they still don't look bad. Time to enhance! 

Technically I already did some work by gluing them on metallic washers and rounding out the gaps with milliput.


Fix the basecoat

Sick Green fixes any spots where the green clothes are chipped, as well as overlaps from the skin. It also works as ridge highlight.

The flesh has chipped more and in some places showed the underlying grey plastic due to the missing primer. Elf Skintone to fix all that.

Heavy Brown to fix any color overlaps on the shields and the belts, and chipping on the boots. I also repainted the fur trim for color variation.


Biel-Tan Green for enhanced shadows and popping out details on the clothing.

Agrax Earthshade on the shields, weapons, boots, belts.

Reikland Fleshshade on all the flesh, as well as the bronze jewelry and bracers.


Chainmail Silver on the shields (10 and 5 o'clock positions) and weapons.

Heavy Brown on the shields (2 and 7 o'clock positions) and the fur trim on the boots.

Elf Skintone to highlight the flesh by accentuating the muscle groups and facial features.

Bronze highlights on the bracers and jewelry.


As for the Saxons, the faces aren't very detailed, so I applied the simplified eye painting by again leaving out the shading of the eyeballs. Just white undercoat and black pupils.

Highlight black hair as per the black cloth painting tip.

The blonde hair was washed with Fleshshade along with the skin. Now I highlighted with Sun Yellow.

I washed the ginger hair with Agrax Earthshade.

Then mixed up Heavy Brown and Gory Red (coming pretty close to the original color tone) for highlights.

I wanted a pale blue so I mixed Magic Blue with Bonewhite (although looking back, simple white probably worked better) to highlight the body paint.


The milliput and the washer underneath were painted in white primer, then dark green.

A thick layer of PVA glue should fix the added static grass. I don't have the exact type of grass originally used for the basing, but it's close enough to blend in from a distance. I did not apply PVA glue as sealant, however, as it looks plain bad on a non-demonic miniature.



  1. Hi! I really hope you take this in the spirit intended, but posting full articles to your front page makes it quite difficult to browse.

    When composing a post pick a spot where you want a jump break and click on the symbol that looks like a page that's been torn in half across the middle. Then when posted on your front page at that point you see "read more" and clicking that takes you to the actual post.

    Again, just pointing this out in case you didn't know - obviously some people prefer to post entire articles as a style choice, and it may even make browsing on mobile simpler (though I would argue, not easier).

    1. Aww geez, I actually didn't know that! That is in fact a great tip. Thanks! I'll implement it starting with my next article.
      This also taught me a lesson on checking the comments more often. I just discovered the possibility of email notifications :D
