
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter Eggs

No, not that kind of easter eggs. I mean literal easter eggs.

You see, this year, I got the task of painting up the eggs for Easter. My wife laid on the red basecoat (tee hee hee) using red onion and beetroot, and I did the freehand on them.

First try - gold glitter

With a glitter pen especially bought for this occasion, I laid on some traditional flowery motifs. Unfortunately, the first egg came out like this:

Used to the "thin your paints" approach, I did not lay on enough of the stuff, and when it dried, the glittering powder was too thinly spread out.

Thanks to a small break I needed to take, I managed to notice the problem in time. So the second egg got a lot more glitter and so came out a lot better:

As did the third:

Unfortunately, the third egg also highlighted another problem: the glue/medium that contains the powder is runny. While that works well on horizontal surfaces, it also tends to flow downwards...

Second try - metallic colored pens

I reproduced the motif on the 3rd egg with a colored pen, and it came out a lot better. It also took more time, because I had to go over each line a couple of times to strengthen and thicken it.

But it looked like a fine job, so I continued like this for a couple of non-traditional eggs.

(ethnic jokes included)

But is a task worth it if a man can't introduce a truly... personal touch?

Hear the Word of Lorgar and live forever in the glory of Chaos!

Final result

Add a couple of bunny-shaped cookies baked by the wifey and our chaotic Easter is complete!

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