
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Chaos vs T'au, 29.03.2018

Another ETC training game for the local tournament.

Mission: Eternal War - Frontline Warfare; Maelstrom of War - Contact Lost



++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (T'au Empire) [15 PL, 250pts] ++
  • Ethereal [3 PL, 50pts]: Honour blade, Hover drone
  • Ethereal [3 PL, 50pts]: Honour blade, Hover drone
  • 3x Kroot Carnivores [3 PL, 50pts]: 10x Kroot
++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (T'au Empire) [62 PL, 1181pts] ++
  • T'au Empire Sept Choice: Bork'an Sept
  • Commander in XV8 Crisis battlesuit [7 PL, 96pts]: 2. Through Unity, Devastation, 2x Burst cannon, Puretide engram neurochip, Shield generator, Warlord
  • 2x XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 272pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Heavy burst cannon, Target lock, Velocity tracker
  • 2x XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit [10 PL, 205pts]: 2x Fusion blaster, Cyclic ion raker, 2x MV5 Stealth Drone, Target lock, Velocity tracker
  • XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [7 PL, 131pts] . Broadside Shas'vre: 2x Smart missile system, Heavy rail rifle, Target lock
++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (T'au Empire) [28 PL, 563pts] ++
  • T'au Empire Sept Choice: Bork'an Sept
  • Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 181pts]: 3x Fusion blaster, High-output burst cannon, Shield generator
  • 3x Tactical Drones [2 PL, 40pts]: 4x MV4 Shield Drone
  • 2x XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [7 PL, 131pts]. Broadside Shas'vre: 2x Smart missile system, Heavy rail rifle, Target lock
++ Total: [105 PL, 1994pts] ++

+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Chaos Daemons, Heretic Astartes, Death Guard

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Daemons) [43 PL, 664pts] ++
  • Chaos Allegiance: Chaos Undivided
  • Changecaster [4 PL, 78pts]: Gaze of Fate, Treason of Tzeentch
  • Changecaster [4 PL, 78pts]: Flickering Flames, Treason of Tzeentch, Warlord: Daemonspark
  • Daemon Prince of Chaos [9 PL, 180pts]: Daemonic axe, Khorne, Skullreaver, Wings
  • 2x Horrors: 10x Pair of Brimstone Horrors, 1 Blue Horror
  • Horrors: 9x Pair of Brimstone Horrors, 1 Blue Horror
  • Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]: 3x Nurgling Swarms
  • Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]: 3x Nurgling Swarms
++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [33 PL, 654pts] ++
  • Daemon Prince of Nurgle [9 PL, 180pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, Malefic talon, Wings
  • 3x Foetid Bloat-drone [8 PL, 158pts]: 2x Plaguespitters, Plague probe

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [36 PL, 682pts] ++
  • Legion: Alpha Legion
  • Chaos Lord with Jump Pack [6 PL, 93pts]: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, No Chaos Mark
  • Sorcerer with Jump Pack, Bolt Pistol, Force Staff, Prescience, Death Hex
  • 3x Obliterators [10 PL, 195pts]: Mark of Tzeentch, 3x Obliterator

++ Total: [2000pts] ++

A kept the screen clearing Drones and the backfield Horrors, but the new heavy hitters are the Obliterators which reroll 1's to wound thanks to the Daemonspark warlord trait.

Deployment: Spearhead Assault 

I had 1 more drop than the T'au, so I kept back a bit. In hindsight this was not a good move, however I was afraid that 1 round of shooting would clear my screens, and then the Coldstar can mow down my characters. I also learned from the previous game and kept the Drones in cover. This was also a bad move, since they were useless in the first turns.
The red can is a Riptide, the black can is a Ghostkeel.
The Kroot have already advanced their pre-game distance.

I managed to go first through Seize the Initiative. I contemplated giving up first turn, not seeing the value with no first turn charged possible given my positioning. However, I did decide to keep the alpha strike.

Chaos, turn 1

I advanced my Horrors, and kept up with the Daemon Princes.
The Drones advanced but were out of range for anything useful.
The Nurglings came out of hiding to harass the Kroot.
The Obliterator bomb teleported unto the middle of the table.
The weird positioning is due to Priority Orders Received - the warlord Herald had to secure objective 3. This left him exposed to the Coldstar, but 4 points are 4 points.

The Obliterator shooting was very successful. I managed to erase a Riptide and a Broadside, along with the unit of Shield Drones that were taking the mortal wounds.

The bottom Nurglings failed their 4" charge. I did not reroll - big mistake, as you'll soon see. The top Nurglings charged and reached  the objective, but the Kroot were removed in such a way as to leave combat. Nurglings died due to the Greater Good.

T'au, turn 1

After some shuffling around, the dreaded T'au shooting phase began.

Due to horrible rolling (or just good saves on my part), I only lost 3 Obliterators and 2 Nurglings.

The Coldstar flew in and unloaded into my Warlord Herald. To illustrate just how horribly the T'au rolled this turn, the Coldstar missed 2 melta shots on 3+, and the other six thousand shots only did 1 wound.

But then the Kroot charged and consolidated into my Obliterators.

To add insult to injury, the Herald killed 1 Kroot in close combat and regained his wound. However, 2 Obliterator groups were tied up, except the lone guy behind the Horror screen.

Chaos, turn 2

Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Khorne, the Blood God?

I did not fall back with my Obliterators, instead positioning everything for a round of Smiting.

I even managed a D6 Smite, but 1 Kroot was still alive at the end of the psychic phase.

So, my own shooting phase was pretty useless, with only 1 unengaged Obliterator firing into the T'au lines out of spite.

At least the Coldstar died a horrible death in melee. The Khorne Prince killed him using only the d3 MW from 6+ to wounds. Way to go overkill, couldn't do that on a Hive Tyrant now could you?!

T'au turn 2

The T'au lines regrouped and resumed firing. What else, really?

3 Obliterators and a Bloat Drone was lost, along with some Horrors.

The Kroot finally munched through the last top Nurgling.

At this point, the T'au were already pretty far behind on points due to me having enough board control.

Chaos, turn 3

Bloat Drones advance on the flanks. So do the Obliterators in the center and Daemon Princes behind them. I tried some fancy positioning for Smites, but most went into the Kroot anyway.

I concentrated into the bottom Ghostkeel, melting it.

T'au, turn 3

Shooting went into the top Bloat Drone, but did not kill it. More Obliterators died, though.

Chaos, turn 4

I tried to murder an Ethereal hiding in the ruins, but the Ghostkeel managed to melta overwatch and bracket the Bloat Drone down to 1 attack.

Bloat Drones shot the Kroot, and the Smites went there as well.

T'au, turn 4

The final round of shooting did not manage to kill the last Bloat Drone. 1 Horror was left alive of the left group, and I autopassed morale to keep defending the objective.

The "tournament time limit" was already up, but we looked into how the game would play out, since the store still had a bit of open time.

Chaos, turn 5

My best bet here would have been to advance the Bloat Drone into the T'au Lines, prohibiting any shooting into my characters, who would then fly around the board, taking the Eternal War objectives.

The T'au conceded, with a probable score of 20-0 in my favor.


After my last game against the BA, I expected worse results, but I was pleasantly surprised at the efficiency of the Obliterator bomb. Rerolling 1's to hit and to wound, with +1 to hit and to wound available for one squad through psychic powers, as well as Veterans of the Long War, give this configuration plenty of punching power.

The Bloat Drones barely did anything, other than draw fire. They did however shine against the Stealth Drones, neatly ignoring their -1 to hit.

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