
Monday, April 9, 2018

Nurgle Daemons vs Orks, 05.04.2018

Tired of all the competitive ETC games, I went for something more... relaxed.

Mission: Eternal War - The Scouring

Nurgle Daemons: 8 CP

  • ++ Battalion Detachment +3CP 
    • Sloppity Bilepiper [3 PL, 60pts]
    • Spoilpox Scrivener [4 PL, 75pts]
    • 2x Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]: 3x Nurgling Swarms
    • 2x Plaguebearers [8 PL, 165pts]: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, 19x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden
  • ++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Daemons) [35 PL, 685pts] ++
    • Daemon Prince of Chaos [9 PL, 180pts]: Horn of Nurgle's Rot, Malefic talon, WingsNurgle: Miasma of Pestilence
    • Daemon Prince of Chaos [9 PL, 180pts]: Daemonic axe, Wings. Nurgle: Nurgle's Rot
    • Great Unclean One [17 PL, 325pts]: Bileblade, Bilesword, Nurgle's Rot, Plaguefly Hive, Stream of Corruption, Warlord
  • ++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Daemons) [13 PL, 240pts] ++
    • Epidemius [5 PL, 100pts]
    • Poxbringer [4 PL, 70pts]: Virulent Blessing
    • Poxbringer [4 PL, 70pts]: Fleshy Abundance

I wanted to test the two new types of herald, which I have - unpainted, as of yet. The idea behind the list was to have things just not dying: Plaguebearers come back through rolling 1's thanks to the Bilepiper and the Horn.
I also wanted to see how the new Great Unclean One performs, given how the general consensus is that greater daemons are useless.

Orks: 6 CP Battalion Detachment

  • Big Mek on Warbike [6 PL, 101pts]: Choppa, Kustom Force Field
  • Ghazghkull Thraka [11 PL, 215pts]: 1. Legendary Fighter, Warlord
  • Kaptin Badrukk [5 PL, 84pts]
  • 2x Boyz [13 PL, 126pts]. Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga, 20x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa
  • Boyz [5 PL, 60pts]. Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga. 9x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa
  • Burna Boyz [13 PL, 168pts]: 12x Burna Boy
  • Painboy [4 PL, 53pts]: Power Klaw
  • 4-man Deff Koptas [21 PL, 260pts], Twin Big Shoota
  • Flash Gitz [7 PL, 135pts]: 4x Flash Git, Kaptin
  • Trukk [5 PL, 85pts]: Big Shoota, Wreckin' Ball
  • Trukk [5 PL, 85pts]: Big Shoota, Wreckin' Ball

Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

I initially placed stuff to deny the Deffkoptas access to my backlines, but then they landed in the top left ruins, and so I was free to concentrate my heavy hitters in the middle. With the Burnas in one Trukk and the Gitz, Badrukk, the Painboy and Thraka in the other, the orks finished deploying first.

(Also check out this and this wacky orky conversion. I loved them. The Devilfish even has wind-up wheels in the back.)

Superior objective in the ork back field, camped by 20 boys. Inferior objective in the middle.

Epidemius in the left corner, Nurglings in the right. Plaguebearers form a unified front, with the characters front and center. For 3 CPs, the Great Unclean One and the healing Herald stayed in the warp.

The orks won the roll-of and I decided not to seize, expecting the orks to charge forward like mad- well, orks.

Orks, turn 1

I was very, very wrong. The orks did the un-orky thing (more cunning than brutal, eh?) and stayed back, unleashing their withering shooting phase.

HA HA HA HA HA. Just kidding. I only lost 2 Plaguebearers due to -1 to hit. All the big shootas and flash git weapons hit on 6's. However, these losses were very strategic, since both squads lost their -1.

Not even the Bilepiper could make them roll 1's on morale.

Nurgle Daemons, turn 1

ADVAN- no, wait, hell no. I don't want to be charged by a horde of orks. I moved my lines forward cautiously, staying just out of medium charge range.

Orks, turn 2

With Miasma of Pestilence reestablishing the -1 to hit on the left squad, everything the orks had unleashed into the right squad, including all the Burnas auto-hitting from the safety of their Trukk. The champion survived, and I was ready to pay for the morale auto-pass...

But the Deffkoptas made their charge, easily achieving First Blood.

Nurgle Daemons, turn 2

Thanks to a lucky advance roll, Epidemius made it to the backfield objective, setting a nice and comfortable campfire and not moving for the rest of the game.

The Plaguebearers moved up with help from the Scrivener, into prime charging positions. The Nurglings and Princes also moved up.

With the two big groups of Boyz still held back, I decided on leaving the reinforcements in the warp for now.

Pretty bad psychic phase, with only 1 successful power: Nurgle's Rot from the axe Prince. Lots of successful charges, though. The Nurglings ate the overwatch from the Koptas, while the Plaguebearers charged into the Trukk with Burnas in it, as well as the 10-man squad of Boyz in the ruin. This left room for the axe Prince to make it into the Trukk as well, while the talon Prince charged the Koptas.

The fight phase was less successful, with no unit killed. The Trukk was down to 4 wounds, and 1 Kopta was down to 1 wound.

Orks, turn 3

The Burnas exited the Trukk (I'm glad they couldn't position themselves to aim at the axe Prince), then the Trukk fell back. So did the Kopta.

Characters exit the other Trukk, and the right mob of Boyz move up.

Everything unloads into the Plaguebearers and Nurglings, and some shooting goes into the axe Prince as well. The Plaguebearers die in melee combat with the Boyz, while the Prince goes down to 4 wounds.

Nurgle Daemons, turn 3

At this point, things looked pretty grim. I had lost both squads of meatshields. Epidemius had counted to exactly 0. My axe Prince was severely wounded. Luckily, I had a few more tricks prepared...

Reinforcements land in the middle of all the hot mess. Stratagems and psychics heal the Axe Prince to max. More psychics - Smite, Nurgle's Rot - produce dead Boys and Burnaz.

The Poxbringer charges the Deffkoptas, eating the overwatch for 2 wounds. Then the Scrivener, Bilepiper and talon Prince also go in, engaging the wounded Trukk as well.

Lucky Nurglings who were within 8" of only 1 Burna make it in. I sent in the other Nurglings too, just to make sure they're all tied up.

Great Unclean One makes it into the 20-Boy squad just peaking out of the ruins. The axe Prince lands behind him, just to increase the number of attacks.

The Orks interrupt and attack the axe Prince, bringing it down to 4 again. Otherwise, a successful fight phase: I took out the Deffkoptas and the wounded Trukk, tied down the Burnaz - 1 lived after the morale phase - and killed lots of Boyz, who passed morale due to Thraka breathing down their necks.

Orks, turn 4

Flash Gitz move out, secure in their crater. The Mini Trukk moves to hold a backfield objective. Everything on the right flank swarms around my monsters.

Literally everything charges the axe Prince, who dies a horrible death at the hands of Thraka (proxied by this lovely fellow with a torpedo on his back).

Nurgle Daemons, turn 4

The Tally was now nice and high, giving plenty of buffs all around. 

I moved the Nurglings to block shooting to my character farm in the back, and moved everything else to Smite off the remains of the 10-Boy squad. This I achieved, leaving room for the Great Unclean One to charge and murder Thraka.

Turn 5

With the center securely mine and all support characters dead, the orks conceded.


I do not think that my list was too hard. The orks were ahead until my GUO landed; and even then, had I not made my charge, everything else would have been exposed for the mob of Boyz to charge. I think my opponent made a mistake by camping one large squad of Boyz in the back. They would have done a lot better by charging ahead. Perhaps a nob banner or weirdboy... who knows.

As for my own:

  • 20 Plaguebearers in a unit is a really bad idea, as they will only have their bonus for a turn.
  • Nurglings MVP. Soaking overwatch, killing orks left and right.
  • Bilepiper was absolutely worthless this game. Maybe if he hangs around for multiple morale checks, or uses his other bonuses.
  • Scrivener was also borderline useless, as I barely moved my Plaguebearers; however, I can see its utility.
  • Princes do work, as usual.
  • As for the Great Unclean One... mixed feelings. Sure, whatever single model it touches with its Bilesword, dies. However, 5 attacks at full strength will not put much of a dent in hordes. Slow movement is somewhat balanced by deep striking (for CP), but that 9"charge is a huge risk. The reviews were right... it will never cut it in a competitive game.

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