
Monday, April 16, 2018

Painting competition outcome

The painting competition came and went. Check out this on-point report. I felt no added value in posting the same thing.

Just a more personal retelling.

I, of course, went with my Chaos Lord and felt good about my chances. I tried something new: weathered power armor, and I was pleased with the results. Unfortunately, the judge was not. My miniature was deigned too matte and unimpressive on the tabletop. It wasn't that I did not win; it was that the whole point of the paintjob was brought up as its weakness.

Yeah, that did not feel good. I did not touch a paintbrush for a month. I didn't abandon the hobby: I still did conversions, modeling and gaming. Just no painting, at all.

But now I'm back. So let's get to work! Those minis won't paint themselves, after all.

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