
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Painting Pummelroot Elementals


I haven't touched a paintbrush since the painting competition. It was time to get back in, though... and I decided on something nice and easy to start with.


Black, due to the dark palette I intended for them.


Start with an even basecoat of Charred Brown.

Wet blend Dark Green and Charred Brown, leaving the center green, and the extremities brown.

Darken down the colors and deepen the shadows using Athonian Camoshade and Agrax Earthshade. I applied them at the same time, leaving them to blend where they met. No rhyme or reason, just apply some here and there, to mesh the greens and browns even better.

After the washes dried, I realized that I darkened the color way down. From a distance, the models looked unpainted/black. I started applying drybrushing: Heavy Brown, then 1:1 Heavy Brown / Bonewhite, then Bonewhite; also Sick Green and Dead Flesh. The colors lightened up somewhat, but not enough. So I nuked them with these line highlights of Dead Flesh and Bonewhite on the most drybrushed areas (especially the face).

Initially I wanted the stones that form the fists to be soil - same as their bodies - but I decided for some color variation instead. Basecoat Heavy Charcoal.

Drybrush 1:1 Heavy Charcoal / Stonewall Grey.

They were too blueish, so Agrax Earthshade to mesh them in.

I still had some of the last mix on the palette, so I edged highlighted the stones. Also drew X-s to represent chips.

Highlighted the previous highlight with pure Stonewall Grey.


The problem with the bases is that the cast bases were warped... one very much so, like this. 

I originally just glued them to regular 40mm bases, but it looked pretty bad. So I ripped them apart and whipped out the milliput:

Paint over the filling with primer; cheap green acrylic on the top; and black around the rim.

Woodland base.


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