
Monday, May 21, 2018

The Doom of Ulpia - Mission #1 Game

Scenario: Crucible of War - Ambush (1500 points)


  • Min. 1 squad Scout
  • 1 Captain
  • Every unit has to be a vehicle, a biker, or transported on a vehicle. 
  • No flyers, Dreadnoughts or Drop Pods.
  • No special deployment.
  • Recommended: Librarian, Techmarine

Victory conditions

  • Major Victory: ⅓ of army escapes
  • Minor Victory: ¼ of army escapes
  • Minor Defeat: Scouts survive
  • Major Defeat: below ¼ of army escapes and Scouts do not survive

Imperial Fists

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [58 PL, 919pts] ++
  • Captain on Bike [6 PL, 136pts]: Combi-plasma, Thunder hammer, Twin boltgun
  • Librarian on Bike [8 PL, 144pts]: 2) Might of Heroes, 6) Null Zone, Combi-plasma, Force sword, Twin boltgun
  • Lieutenants [4 PL, 71pts]: . Lieutenant: Lightning Claw, Master-crafted boltgun
  • Scout Squad [6 PL, 90pts]: 5x Camo cloak, 5x Sniper rifle
  • Tactical Squad [9 PL, 95pts]: 4x Space Marine, Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Grav-pistol; Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Flamer
  • Tactical Squad [9 PL, 99pts]: 4x Space Marine; Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Power fist; Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Flamer
  • Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts]
  • Land Speeder Storm [5 PL, 85pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter
  • Rhino [4 PL, 72pts]: Storm bolter
  • Rhino [4 PL, 72pts]: Storm bolter

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [31 PL, 580pts] ++
  • Techmarine [5 PL, 85pts]: Boltgun, Chainsword, Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter, 2x Servo-arm
  • Devastator Squad [8 PL, 135pts], 2x Heavy bolter, 2x Missile launcher
  • Predator [9 PL, 180pts]: Predator autocannon, Two Lascannons
  • Predator [9 PL, 180pts]: Predator autocannon, Two Lascannons
++ Total: [89 PL, 1499pts] ++


++ Outrider Detachment +1CP
  • Sorcerer, Force Staff, Infernal Gaze, Prescience
  • 2-man Spawn
  • 4-man Chaos Bikers, 2x Flamer
  • 5-man Raptors, 2x Plasma Pistol, Champion: Power Fist, Plasma Pistol
++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP
  • 2x Chaos Lord, Plasma Pistol, Power Sword, Warlord: Eternal Vendetta
  • 5-man Havocs, 4x Heavy Bolter
  • 5-man Havocs, 3x Heavy Bolter, 1x Lascannon
  • 5-man Havocs, 4x Missile Launcher
++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP
  • Dark Apostle
  • 5-man Khorne Berzerkers, 2x Plasma Pistol
  • 7-man Plague Marines, Plasma Gun, Champion: Plague Sword
  • 10-man Chosen, Icon of Excess, 4x Boltgun, 1x Plasma Gun, 1x Power Sword, 3x Power Axe, Champion: Power Fist


Unbeknown to the Fists, the Traitors have set up their ambush along this empty causeway, just where the armored column would stop due to the wreckage on the road.

With a crackle of vox and the same battle cry shouted, the Traitors popped out of the ruins. Ageless traitors in baroque power armor mixed with newly turned renegades, their Aquilas freshly desecrated.

The Fists attempted to scramble, but they did not manage to Seize the Initiative.

Chaos, turn 1

All around, the Traitors burst from the ruins with fire in their eyes.

Concentrated firepower from the Havocs, aided by their Spectrum-Enhanced Wargear and the Sorcerer's Prescience, destroyed the Land Speeder and one Predator. Infernal Gaze managed to hurt Captain Lexandro. The remaining Predator attempted Return Fire, but missed all shots at close range.

The Traitors charged, enveloping the tanks on the left flank. Buzzing chainswords and gleaming power weapons set to work, hurting the Rhino and destroying the Predator, which exploded...

...dealing a lot of damage. The explosion killed 1 Raptor, 2 Berzerkers, 1 Chosen, and put wounds on the Bikers, Spawn and characters.

With their front rank of protective armor melted, the Fists were in for a rough ride.

Imperial Fists, turn 1

The Fists briefly debated speeding through or fighting their way out. Captain Lexandro decided to give the traitors no quarter. The Scouts fell back, enabling the disembarking Marines to unleash hell.

In a thundering hail of bolter fire, the Traitors were cut down.

The Bikers and Berzerkers were eliminated, the Chosen were hurt, and even some Havocs died. They hid in the ruins for nothing, for the well-drilled Fists picked them out of their cover with expertly placed bolter shots.

With a cry of "For the Emperor!", the Fists charged in.

On the left, squad Bronn and Lieutenant Mouga'ry waded into the Chosen, leaving only the Champion alive (after the morale phase).
On the right, Sergeant "Quiet" Aaron made his name by cutting down the Dark Apostle. With Codicier Mourdom and Techmarine Mason lending a hand (and two servo-arms), the Chaos Lord and most of the Raptors were given the Emperor's judgment.

Chaos, turn 2

Seeing their melee brethren cut down, the Havocs intensified  their fusilade. Without their transports, the Fists will not get away in time.
The Sorcerer decided to hang back, keeping the 4 Missile Launchers Prescience'd, and trying to snipe Lexandro with Infernal Gaze.
The Plague Marines waded in, charging and killing the last Devastator. Heroic Interventions by Apothecary Kristov and Lexandro himself ensured their demise. Lucky rolls ensured their survival.

The Chosen champion did nothing. Neither did the Spawn kill anything. I was worried  that the trap would be too easy for the Fists to escape...

Imperial Fists, turn 2

Nothing exciting happened, as the Fists were all locked in combat from the previous turn. The remaining Chosen, Spawn and Raptors were eliminated.

Chaos, turn 3

The Plague Marines fell back, allowing the Havocs to unleash into the characters bravely standing up front.

The Sorcerer and Chaos Lord came out of hiding, laying in with Plasma Pistol, Bolter and sorcery.

However, this turn showed the hidden strength of the Character Unconscious Table. All the characters accumulated wound tokens and were knocked down, but so far, no out-of-actions.

Imperial Fists, turn 3

Now, the Fists started to worry. They had lost too much time fighting the Traitors in their own deployment zone. The game end was already in sight, and they did not gain much ground. They started moving towards their escape zone, with the left Tactical Squad offering themselves as cover to the characters. The Plague Marines were shot and killed.

Chaos, turn 4

Due to line of sight and proximity shenanigans, I managed to lay a few characters on their faces.

Imperial Fists, turn 4

The Tactical Squad charges in, covering the escape for the rest of the force. The sergeant made a name for himself by cutting down the Sorcerer... only to be cut down himself by the Chaos Lord.

The Lord then consolidated into the open field. Time to take down the Fists. Mostly because the Havocs had also suffered major casualties.

Chaos, turn 5

The Techmarine was shot down. The Chaos Lord charged into the knocked down Apothecary and Librarian.

Imperial Fists, turn 5

The Apothecary holds back the Chaos Lord, healing himself and fighting tooth-and-nail, to cover the escape.

Huge tension on whether the game ends... it continues.

Chaos, turn 6

The Havocs shoot, to no effect. The Chaos Lord inflicts more wound tokens on the Apothecary.

Imperial Fists, turn 6

Captain Lexandro turbo boosts off the table...

... as the Apothecary finally falls on his face.

The game ends, handing the Fists a major defeat.


Fortunately, the two characters did not perma-die, instead only suffering Minor Wounds for the next game.

We both had fun and enjoyed the game. We also learned a lot. This was the first time we tried Narrative play, and the lack of many of the Matched play rules was weird. We both lamented not leaving CPs for the end-game rolls, and not re-rolling Seize the Initiative. Given how successful the first turns were, it really would have turned the tables.

The Fists were undaunted by their first defeat, and they'll be back soon! ... Or will they?

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