
Monday, May 21, 2018

The Doom of Ulpia - Mission #1 Story

*** aboard the Sacrum Pugnus, 4 hours after warp translation into the Ulpia system ***

‘Lieutenant. Give me your assessment.’

Brother-Captain Lexandro D`Arquebus stared impassively at the viewport. His command staff had already gathered on the bridge.

In front, the aquiline visage of Lieutenant Mouga`ry was marred by confusion. Lexandro suppressed a smile. Let him work his mind. It needed to be sharp.

To the right, Codicier Mourdom wore a slightly clouded expression, even more determined than his usual demeanor.

To the far right, Techmarine Mason was immersed into communing with the machine spirits of the strike cruiser. Good. They needed to know what they were headed into, and fast.

Somewhere off to the left, Apothecary Kristov was standing silently. With all battle-brothers currently fit for combat, he had no other duty than to stand by, in case his expertise was needed.

‘Captain - we read nothing. No activity.’ The lieutenant’s eyebrows had almost reached his hairline.

To the left of Lexandro, a huge form moved to the fore. Ah yes, not his command staff. Not exactly.

‘We can also read, Mouga`ry. The Brother-Captain asked for you assessment.’

Apparently without moving, Lexandro sized up the huge primaris marine from the corner of his eye. Captain Rogan was a fine example of the genetical heritage of Rogal Dorn. He had already seen combat - each and every Space Marine following Roboute Guilliman in the Indomitus Crusade had - but he had nothing on Lexandro in terms of experience. Still, Lexandro appreciated the wisdom of the Lord Commander in not naming either of them the leader of the expedition, having them instead share the burden of command. Rogan had to learn. He had to temper that enthusiasm with experience. He had to.

The lieutenant took the rebuke badly, and snapped to attention towards Rogan.

‘No activity in the space around the system. We may assume the local fleet destroyed. Enemy vessels may be hiding behind planets, or the sun’s corona. The mining station that should be orbiting Ulpia Nonus is not there. We may assume it destroyed. Signs of external invasion, not an uprising.’

‘Very well, Lieutenant.’ - added Lexandro. ‘Carry on. What about the planet?’

‘That is the problem, Brother-Captain.’ Mouga`ry turned towards him, still at attention. ‘Ulpia Tertius is class Eta - a hive world. Even if it has been destroyed and devastated, we should be reading some kind of activity. Vox chatter. Delayed signals, reflected by the atmosphere. There is simply nothing.’

With a soft grinding of gears, Mason finished his communion with the machine spirits, and retracted his servo arm.

‘Lieutenant Mouga`ry is correct, Brother-Captain. I have directed our long-range auguries towards the hives of Ulpia Tertius, and they concur with his assessment. There must be something masking the readings. I cannot divine exactly what and would refrain from any theories for the moment.’

Lexandro suppressed another smile. Brother Mason was dour, but an undeniably useful addition to his - their - command staff.

‘And what does the Librarius have to say about the matter?’

Codicier Mourdom turned his frown on the captain.

‘Brother-Captain, we are both bothered by the psychic silence blanketing this system. A hive world should advertise its presence in the Immaterium due to all the human souls on it. We feel nothing. Epistolary Jeraiah is consulting the Emperor’s Tarot as we speak-’

As if summoned by his name, Jeraiah stepped unto the bridge at that moment. Even without his Tactical Dreadnought armor, wearing only a blue toga with the symbols of his station, the wisened librarian seemed… venerable. He nodded to Lexandro, who nodded back. They were old camarades. Jeraiah appreciated the practicality with which Lexandro handled the Librarius. Their otherworldly powers unnerved even some of their battle brothers. To Lexandro, however, they were but living weapons in service to Emperor, Chapter and Imperium - just like any other Space Marine under his command.

Rogan frowned at the elder librarian. He disliked not being acknowledged. Jeraiah ignored him completely, addressing Lexandro instead.

‘Brother-Captain, I have consulted the Emperor’s Tarot. This system harbors a great threat, not just to us, but the entire Indomitus Crusade and possibly the Imperium itself. We must move in to investigate at once.’

‘That we shall, Epistolary.’

‘And another thing, Brother-Captain. The interference to our auguries may be sorcerous in nature.’

Lexandro quieted, which Rogan took as his moment to intervene.

‘We cannot fight what we cannot see - at least not from orbit. We shall land by Thunderhawk and advance on the ground into one of the lesser hive cities. Should we not find any survivors, the central cogitators must still hold some kind of clue as to what happened.’

Lexandro nodded. He had formulated the same plan, but waited for the younger captain to enunciate it. He also let a wry smile dance around his lips.

‘Brother Mason, how is our Repulsor?’

‘Brother-Captain, the Bane of Weakness is still under maintenance.’ - responded Mason with alacrity.

‘Well then, it looks like we’ll be lacking primaris support this time.’

Rogan withdrew, seemingly chastened. But Lexandro nodded again.

‘The plan is still a good one. Brother Mason, assemble the Chapter war machines. I will lead the armored spearhead myself.’

‘I should accompany you, Brother-Captain. The central cogitators may require re-sanctification to cooperate.’

‘Very well, Brother Techmarine. Codicier Mourdom, you shall accompany us as well. We will need your expertise in dealing with any psychic threats. Epistolary, you shall remain here to provide emergency communication in case of need. Captain Rogan, stand by with your primaris brethren. We may need rapid reinforcements.’

‘It shall be so, Brother-Captain.’ - uttered Rogan, striking his chest with his gauntleted hand. Lexandro kept up his smile. The younger captain kept dancing back and forth between treating him as an equal and behaving like a subordinate. Good. Educating him was all well, but sometimes, he needed to take decisions by himself, and have them obeyed.

‘Lieutenant, designate a suitable landing zone.’ There. That should reinforce Mouga`ry’s wounded pride.

‘Apothecary. The Emperor willing, you will not be needed.’

‘I shall accompany you nonetheless, Brother-Captain.’

With that, the command staff broke off, each seeing to his own duties. Lexandro was already listing names and equipment in the back of his mind. But first, he acknowledged the worthiness of his brothers. Whatever the enemy would throw at them - in fact, whichever enemy - they would prevail. For they were the Angels of Death. And they shall know no fear.


*** Ulpia Tertius, outskirts of Hive Dalet, 59 minutes after deployment by Thunderhawk ***

'khh- Brother-Captain. We have lost vox contact with the Sacrum Pugnus.'

'I am aware of that, Brother Mason.'

'khh- Brother Captain. I have also lost psychic awareness of Epistolary Jeraiah.'

'That is... disturbing, Codicier Mourdom.'

'What are your orders, Brother-Captain?'

'We forge on. We cannot return now.'


*** Ulpia Tertius, outskirts of Hive Dalet, 3 hours 58 minutes after deployment by Thunderhawk ***

'khh - Brother-Captain. We have lost vox contact with the Sacrum Pugnus 2 hours 59 minutes ago.'

'I know, Brother Mason. What are you getting at?'

'The vox started chiming, Brother-Captain. I cannot divine the meaning yet.'

'Carry on, Brother.'


'Brother Mason?'


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