
Monday, June 25, 2018

Storm King's part 8 - The longest combat encounter ever

Soon after we find ourselves on the path to Mirabar, passing through several villages until we reach a less populated zone. Of course all this time Solid had his horse out (sounds better in Romanian “Solid mergea cu calul scos”).[1]

We see a heroine mom with a donkey and a bunch of kids that are all yelling, screaming and crying. Apparently her home got attacked by giants but she managed to get away with her life and her yelling kids.[2]

We hurry to her home with the hope that we can salvage more than she could, maybe her house from falling down, we really don’t know what to expect to find out at this point.[3]

As we approach the area, we see from the top of a hill a big digging site with some kind of immense steel triangle that is mostly buried into the earth. Two trolls and a lot of goblins in fine armor are trying to get the metal out.[4] What we find out just in a matter of seconds is that all of these minions are commanded by a Fire Giant that is giving them orders. We observe from the top of the hill all this work being done to dig out the triangle. As suspected we can’t observe in silence, some of us seem to have a more than necessary loud voice (that’s a 2 or 3 on the dice when stealth is needed).

The Giant spots us and tries to engage us with his minions. Bravely we run away. Some by foot, some teleported by the newly learned spell by Selene[5] that takes the slowest runner, Groin, to 500ft away. The Giant gives the order for everyone to get back to work, seems that digging up whatever is there is more important that chasing a teleported party.

Under the cover of the night we approach the dig site again, this time with a plan. Most of the goblins along with the trolls and the Giant are sleeping. Only a few goblins on patrol seem to be awake.

Cloaked by the night Groin and Selene will take out the patrols in “Silence”. The start of the night works exactly as planned: Groin casts Silence on top of one goblin patrol while Selene Shatters them away, the second patrol will end up having the same fate.

Confident that we can assassinate the rest of the enemies in the same way all the party comes to the slaughter. Again when stealth is needed the mighty paladin's armor sounds like a trumpet in the night (another low dice for stealth check by Solid, this time the dice betrays us with a 1). The goblins awake but fortunately for us the Trolls and the Giant are in a Silence bubble cast earlier.

The freshly awaken goblins are killed easily by the adventurers and the fight continues when we attack the trolls and the Giant. It takes a long time to get down the HP of two trolls[6] and one Giant even with a mighty party such as ours, this results in the name of the chapter.

While everyone is taking turns on damaging the big targets, or healing the bloodied members of our party, Selene takes the time to show us her engagement ring (real life engagement, so cute).

After about 1 and a half hour of fighting finally the last enemy is killed and we can take the spoils of the war. All the loot is 4 gold, 5 silver, 11 copper and a giant drinking glass: almost worth it after such a night :)

As we inspect the triangle we realize that it is a ginormous piece of armor, by the size of it maybe worn by a God. So that’s why this is more important than chasing us. Maybe worth marking on the map this place so we can easily find it later if needed.

We walk the land two more days until we encounter a family with 7 kids driven away from their home by other giants that seem only to care about destroying the village.

Away to the village we go. As we approach we can easily spot 3 Stone Giants that are destroying houses. We think on engaging them but something draws our attention: another giant, this time a Frost Giant is arguing with the Stone Giants about destroying the village. Brutes that they are, the Stone Giants attack the Frost Giant.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” so we decide to help the Frost Giant defeat the stone ones, we manage to do just that and together we obliterate the stones.

When she introduces herself, because the Frost Giant seems to be a she, the name seems very familiar to the ones that used to visit the taverns often. That’s our whory Selene and our drunken master Groin. Rautza[7], cuz this is her name, seems to be part of a well known adventuring party long before we even reached these lands.

When she hears that our quest is bringing order back in this land she invites us to go with her to the Oracle. Luckily for her, Mirabar, our destination, is in the way, so we gain one Giant party member to travel with.

[1] Solid took care of the horse. That sounds about right.
[2] And how does the heroic party react to a scared woman with a bunch of kids? Scare her to death by casting Silence on her.
[3] The correct word for what the party was hoping for is "loot", not "salvage".
[4] Technically the goblins in fine armor were just yelling at the trolls and other, less finely armored goblins, to work harder.
[5] Dimension door
[6] The trolls also seemed to regenerative powers, coming back from being dead several times.
[7] I tried to come up with a reasonable translation for "the Grim", but it didn't feel right. So the players contributed to the adventure by coming up with their own translation. It kind of means "Meanie". Eh, good enough.

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