
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Storm King's part 9 - We do not trust teleportation rings

Accompanied by a Giant, there is no man or beast that will bother us in our journey, so we reach the gates of Mirabar uneventful.[1]

Rautza will not enter the city, so we establish that we meet again after we finish our business in the great city of Mirabar, that is also Groin's home town.

Our first trip is to the sheriff's office to get our bounty for the giant heads, luckily for us we get paid in diamonds, that will turn to be very useful later in the game.[2]

Mirabar has two big areas: the dwarven part of the city and the more human part of the city.


Groin tries to find out what has become of his family. Another low dice roll[4] reveals that only distant relatives are alive, he even gets blamed for not serving a real dwarf god such as Moradin, Thorn, Thir[5] or something similar. He manages somehow to sweeten his distant uncle with some beers[6] and small talk but it is made clear that his aunt doesn’t want him for dinner that night, so all family business ends here.

[DM's note: Groin, being a good cleric of Lliira, looks for a stonemason and pays him a hefty sum to erect a shrine to his goddess in Mirabar.]

In the meanwhile the rest of the party tries to find some powerful mage in order to get more info about Tari’s husband, the love of her life. Unsuccessful with the mage's assistant, all they get is an appointment for the next day. The party joins the dwarven part of the town to look for some priests that will be up to the task. The promise is made that a Paladin can investigate the demonic portal for a small fee, and after the investigations more money is needed to complete the task, depending on the complexity of the problem discovered.[7]

With no invitation to dinner from Groins nonexisting family[8] and only an appointment for the next day what can the mighty adventures do? The tavern is always a good place to kill the time.

In the tavern it is Szivem’s time to shine. She meets a young Hungarian nobleman[9] who takes her to his room and makes sweet love to her[10], never even knowing that he deflowered[11] the heir to the Hungarian throne. For the ones that don’t know, Szivem is a runaway young Hungarian princess. In the morning she manages to slip a letter to her family in the nobleman's pockets.[12]

The next day we go to the appointment with the mage. It seem that a powerful mage can reach the circles of the inferno for the right price (1000), in gold of course. This is a little too expensive for all the party at the moment so we look for other methods to bring back Elessar, all our faith is in the “private eye” Paladin.[13]

Finally we remember[14] Thwip's tip about Mirabar: “if you ever reach Mirabar look for Gaspar at the stables”. So at the stables we go and indeed we find Gaspar doing his daily chores. When he finds out that we are friends with Thwip he takes us to a well concealed Teleportation ring in the hayloft. He invites us to step into the circle, but we are more paranoid than other parties and that’s why we are still alive, at least that is what we like to think.

After all the questions are asked but not answered we finally step into the teleportation ring and find ourselves magically taken to the Harpers' nest. Some powerful mage named Kroan invites us to tea and makes us the offer to join their secret guild. Ireth, Tari and Groin join the guild and gain access to a map with the teleportation areas. As implied by the mage, Tari’s problem can be solved for cheaper than 1000gc if she turns out to be a valuable member of the Harpers.

We return to Mirabar and meet with Rautza to continue our trip to the Oracle.

We reach the Eye of the AllFather that is a most impressive temple of the Giants, the columns are representing sculptures of the giants. Immediately our elves discover human tracks that lead into the temple. We storm in, meaning we look for like half an hour for traps, and see a pack of barbarians trying to break through the frozen doors of the temple.

Selene unleashes a fireball… to be continued as “the night is dark and full of terrors”

[1] Aside from the panic caused, but who cares about that.
[2] This is also where Selene discovers not to buy bootleg magic items. Her Bag of Holding was actually a Bag of Moulding (as decided by the dice). All the giant heads were covered in green mould. At least they still had the skulls. Everything else she had in the bag - which was everything she did not carry on herself - was decayed beyond use. Fortunately, the Marchion of Mirabar is always susceptible to the charms of beautiful women, so at least he paid for the skulls.
[3] Always a good idea.
[4] 1, which meant most close relatives already dead, the family forge sold and demolished, brothers working very low-end jobs like cleaning sewers and the such, and everyone being hostile.
[5] Moradin yes. The other ones, I don't know where you got those names from.
[6] A lot of beers.
[7] Churches always accept hefty donations.
[8] They exist. They just don't like you.
[9] If I remember correctly, she played a fiery tune from her homeland on her violin. That's how she got his attention. And yes, apparently Hungary is a country in the Forgotten Realms. Deal with it.
[10] His room even had a sweet medieval jacuzzi, which they also had sex in.
[11] As decided by the dice.
[12] Consequences still pending.
[13] His progress is rolled for each month in game-time.
[14] After passing a wisdom check. Because I actually thought all this time that the party went to Mirabar for this reason. Turns out they completely forgot. They got pity points, right here.

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