
Monday, July 2, 2018

Painting a female halfling ranger/rogue


I already have my own avatar on the tabletop, so it is only natural that my lovely wife would also have hers. This is a throwback to when she tried out DnD, playing a halfling bard. 


Assemble the miniature and glue to a 25mm base. 

She is already on a small hill, which I decided to mask with home-made putty. I intend her to stand in a grassy meadow.


Prime in black.

Red cloak

Start with her defining feature. As per the painting tip.


I decided to paint her "inside out", starting with the innermost details so as not to disturb them later on.
Basecoat the wood with Charred Brown, the metal with Gunmetal and the string with Bonewhite. Then Black Wash overall.

Highlight with the same colors.

Scarlet blouse

Basecoat Beasty Brown, which is reddish enough.

Layer Heavy Red. At this step the colors are disparate, but...

Wash Carroburg Crimson.

Highlight Heavy Red. It brings it all down to a muted deep scarlet.


Several leather surfaces on this mini, and I wanted to produce a slightly different hue of brown on each. The boots will be darkest, with a basecoat of 1:1 mix of Charred Brown and Heavy Brown.

The breastplate and gloves get a heavy edge highlight of Leather Brown - more like a layer, really - on the original Heavy Brown basecoat. The strings keeping the armor attached to the blouse, as well as the sleeves of the blouse, are basecoated Khaki.

The belt is basecoated in Beasty Brown.

Agrax Earthshade wash all over the previously painted brown elements.

Highlight the breastplate again with Leather Brown. Highlight the strings with Khaki.

Superhighlight on the breastplate and gloves with Filthy Brown. Superhighlight the belt with a 1:1 mix of Beasty and Filthy Brown.

Black leather pants

Blue/green metal armor


Glowing weapon rune

Magic Blue around the rune.

Electric Blue around the rune, in a smaller patch.

Mix 1:1 Electric Blue and White and paint the rune itself.

Throw Guilliman Blue glaze on the entire blade and the rune itself, then do tiny highlights on the rune in pure white.


Woodland base as per the painting tip. Throw some berries on the grass (like this bear has).


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