Thursday, November 16, 2017

Painting a brown bear


For the one DnD player who absolutely positively has to animate her character's teddy bear toy!


Prime in black.

Brown fur

First basecoat of Heavy Brown.

The second basecoat already prepares for the wet blending. Bottom: Dark Fleshtone, middle: Heavy Brown, top: Leather Brown.

Two brush wet blend the colors.

Bring it together with a generous wash of Agrax Earthshade.

Darken up the feet with black wash.

Lighten up the face and arms with Seraphim Sepia.

Overall drybrush of Heavy Brown.


The scar and missing eye should have lighter fur around the scar tissue. Prepare the are with Leather Brown.

Paint Elf Skintone, then Pale Flesh.

Two layers of Agrax Earthshade should bring it down nicely. I didn't want vivid flesh, just an old scar.

Paint and highlight the nose in black.

Finally, the mouth. Basecoat Warlord Purple.

Edge highlight Squid Pink.

Wash Carroburg Crimson to bring it together.

Paint the teeth Bonewhite. This is pretty creepy...

But paint around them with Blood for the Blood God! to simulate bloody gums.


Fill out the base with home made putty.

I went for the woodland base. However, I felt that the base was big enough for some fancy stuff, but not appropriate for flowers. So I sprinkled red particles across the bushes previously layered in thin PVA glue. Berries!

Then just seal everything again with PVA glue.


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