Thursday, March 6, 2025

Monday, March 3, 2025

Painting tempestus nuns in the bluish gray of the House of the Virgin Mary


February review and March goals

February's done and eagle eyed readers might have noticed the lack of hobby posts on the blog. That's because I did not paint in January, then I was sick, then stuff... so I published all my backlog of odd posts. But now I'm done with some stuff, so back to our regular schedule.

Gaming went alright, with some Warhammer, ASOIAF, D&D... Dungeon of the Mad Mage is back off track, read all about it soon. Golden Vault needs one more session to end the campaign, but scheduling conflicts hit hard. We tried out something else in the meantime. But all good!

Hobby wise, it's full steam ahead. One set of ASOIAF commissions is done, as well all the WIPs from last year. I also painted some D&D minis for Dungeon of the Mad Mage, and finished a bucketload of Warhammer related items. Only 30 behind schedule!

As for March, the objective for Q1 2025 is to have as much Imperial Guard done as possible, given that the new codex is out, and I'm having my first game on Wednesday. I still have to receive some nuns, so numbers will fluctuate, but I'm painting up a lot of them as Tempestus of both kinds, and I'm getting lots of new turret options for my tanks. Also... Fortunate Sons added to the playlist.

Golden Vault: Dimensional rescue

Our next mission was to investigate a retired adventurer, the archmage Zorhana Adular. She changed completely after trying on a diamond necklace housing a dimensional rift. And so we enter the level range where somebody taking a shower triggers a 3-season epic storyline.

Anyway, the concerned husband, a man called Eliphas[1] sent us a satyr called Fifel Umberhoof with the plan of us joining a ball held for the winter equinox in the Feywild, in their charming palace called Paliset Hall, gifted to them by the prince of frost. The ball was in a couple of days, so sure, let's begin preparations. As usual, we were provided with a map of the premises.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Painting Yog-Sothoth

The final grand commission of 2024, paying off printing debts for some Warhammer books I never actually used due to them going out of date so fast. Not salty about that at all. Anyway.

The miniature is Reaper Bones from the 5th kickstarter.

I had no vision for this monster, and no idea how to start on it. My client came up with the idea of red tentacles, fading into purple innards, and lighter purple carapace. We synced several times during the paintjob, and this is where it went.