Thursday, May 31, 2018

Storm King's part 7 - Defenders of Icewind Dale

After the battle with the Fire Giant, we try to use the “water finder stick” to find the artifact that the giant was looking for. It seems that the stick doesn’t work anymore, due to a Dispel magic Groin used in combat, so no luck here.

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Doom of Ulpia - Mission #2 Game

Scenario: Crucible of War - Meat Grinder (1500 points)

Attacker gains 1+D3 CPs for offensive stratagems for winning previous scenario.


  • Only the same types of units are permitted as for mission 1, but they no longer have to all fit transports.

Victory conditions

  • Major Victory: The Defender has at least one model remaining at the end of the battle. The Attacker has no models in the Defender’s Deployment Zone.
  • Minor Victory: The Defender has at least one model remaining at the end of the battle.
  • Minor Defeat: The Defender has no models remaining at the end of the battle. The Attacker has no models in the Defender’s Deployment Zone.
  • Major Defeat: The Defender has no models remaining at the end of the battle.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Storm King's part 6 - Fire and Ice

After passing the 4th village, we see a man running like his life depended on it, he is not hearing or seeing anything around him, his only focus is running. We try to speak with him from the distance but he doesn’t seem to hear us or care about us shouting so the only way we can stop him is by intercepting him before he can pass us by, and we manage to do just that.

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Doom of Ulpia - Mission #1 Game

Scenario: Crucible of War - Ambush (1500 points)


  • Min. 1 squad Scout
  • 1 Captain
  • Every unit has to be a vehicle, a biker, or transported on a vehicle. 
  • No flyers, Dreadnoughts or Drop Pods.
  • No special deployment.
  • Recommended: Librarian, Techmarine

Victory conditions

  • Major Victory: ⅓ of army escapes
  • Minor Victory: ¼ of army escapes
  • Minor Defeat: Scouts survive
  • Major Defeat: below ¼ of army escapes and Scouts do not survive

The Doom of Ulpia - Mission #1 Story

*** aboard the Sacrum Pugnus, 4 hours after warp translation into the Ulpia system ***

‘Lieutenant. Give me your assessment.’

The Doom of Ulpia - Campaign Intro

Jacelyn was an astropath. It was her sacred duty to keep the Imperium of Man together by sending and receiving messages through the Immaterium. Jacelyn dreaded every moment of it.

The Doom of Ulpia - Warhammer 40k narrative campaign


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Storm King's part 5 - We Love Side Quests

After the big battle at Bryn Shander, the SHERIFF is sending word into the town that the South gate needs repairing so everyone that can help with guarding or repairing should rally to the gate.
The Adventurers stay a little longer to guard the ruins and to be sure no giants are returning for the second wave… and of course to loot the dead bodies “FOR THE HORDE!!!”, I mean FOR THE LOOT!!!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Honor thy fellow bloggers

Fellow chaos player and proficient blogger (at about 160 posts already): Keep up the good work, brother!

Checker pattern enthusiast: (Alright, you've written about the tournament games - now let's see some posts on those Harlequin vehicles sporting the endless void on their hulls!)

Age of Sigmar evangelist and skeleton enthusiast: (Thanks for inspiring my Ghostlight Brimstones - now get to work! I'm waiting for Arkhan the Black part 3.)

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Brimstone Horrors (bluegreen ghostlight)


Finish the 10 Brimstones with the most complex (and, looking back, the best looking) technique.
If I ever paint a ghost, I'll use this color scheme.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Brimstone Horrors (blue ghostlight)


First, I experimented with a blueish look.

Ghostlight Brimstone Horrors

At our latest tournament, I acquired a third squad of Brimstone Horrors at a discount price. I left them unpainted for a while, as I lacked both desire and inspiration. But then I rediscovered my fellow blogger and re-read some of his posts. I was suddenly inspired by his Spirit Hosts. I dug up some other ghostly tutorials, and had a go at it...