
Monday, July 30, 2018

Painting an evil wizard


I painted this mini in parallel with the evil gnome wizard lady, mostly to experiment on all the different color combinations I wanted to standardize into painting tips. It originally represents the planeswalker Jace from Magic the Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalkers board game.


Prime black.

Black coat.

All the new painting tips: dark leather shoes, medium leather breastplate (barely visible), light leather gauntlets, sickly pale flesh, cold white hair, loincloth and symbol on back.

Bluegrey clothing

I wanted something to stand out from black, white and brown, but not to draw the attention away. I decided on blue/grey. 
Basecoat Sombre Grey.

Two layers of Black Wash.

Sombre Grey highlight.

Also do the eyeballs.

Black Wash on the clothing again, to bring it back down.


Too much black and white on the model already, so I decided on bronze.

Tinny Tin basecoat.

Hammered Copper highlight.

Bright Bronze superhighlight. The first time I ever did bronze without washes.

Dark fire

As per the painting tip


Broken statue and woodland base. He's probably exploring some dark ruin in the depths of a forest.


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