
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Painting a female gnome wizard


When I bought the miniature for Nixi, I also bought the Bones variant, to see which one is better. I think the metal one is of better quality - some details are lost on the Bones mini, and it is not poseable - so I picked that as the "main" miniature. However, I won't discard this one either: she'll be painted up as the "good" variant. Or, at least, non-evil.



Prime in black.

Note that I painted her before her "evil twin", and I was still experimenting with the paint scheme. So no standardized painting tips yet.

Violet robes

Inspired by the Kirin-Tor from Warcraft.

Heavy Violet basecoat.

Then paint all over with Hexed Lichen. This is the actual base color.

Mix 1:1 Hexed Lichen and Warlord Purple for some broad highlights.

Highlight smaller areas with pure Warlord Purple.

Mix 1:1 Warlord Purple and Squid Pink for some small highlights on the hem of the robe (where any raised areas end) and the larger folds on the arms.

Squid Pink edge highlight.

Wash all over with Druchii Violet to tone down that pink.

Minimal Squid Pink superhighlight.

Heavy Brown basecoat

On all future brown areas... skin and leather.


Basecoat Charcoal Black, then mix in Stonewall Grey for highlight, then highlight pure Stonewall Grey. Not very striking, but I already had a dominant color on the robe, as well as some trim coming up.

Yellow trim

Heavy Goldbrown base. 

Wash in Cassandora Yellow.

Edge highlight Sun Yellow. Still a rich, dark yellow.

Pink hair

Heavy Violet base. Should have done this at the same time as the robe. Oh well... didn't plan ahead.

Warlord Purple basecoat.

Squid Pink highlight.

Wash in Carroburg Crimson to tone that pink down, also create shadows and separation.

Highlight Squid Pink.

Mix 1:1 Squid Pink and White for some zenithal highlights.


Note that I actually painted this mini before the evil variant, so the standard painting tips were not yet fully thought out.

Charred Brown boots.

Black Wash on the boots.

Charred Brown highlights on the boots. Beasty Brown basecoat on the leathers straps and satchels. The skin was also done at this point using the light skintone scheme.

Complete the basecoats by layering the satchels with Leather Brown and the basecoating the scroll in Bonewhite.

Agrax Earthshade wash over all the leathers and scroll.

Highlight the surfaces with their base colors: Beasty Brown, Leather Brown and Bonewhite, respectively.

Filthy Brown highlights on the satchels.


Use the blue-green painting tip.

Potion bottle

I initially wanted it to be red, but then again, this is an arcane spellcaster. Of course she would be carrying a mana potion.

Basecoat Heavy Blue.

Highlight the lower part with a crescent, much like a gemstone, using 1:1 mix of Heavy Blue and Magic Blue.

Then forget to take pictures. I continued the highlights in the same manner using Magic Blue, then 1:1 Magic and Electric Blue.

Red crystal

Basecoat Heavy Red.

Wash Carroburg Crimson, then highlight Heavy Red. This results in a deep red around the metals, although I wanted this to be a bright crystal, so I should have hurried up with the highlights. Oh well.

Succesive highlights with Bloody Red, Hot Orange and Orange Fire.

Finish off with a glaze of Bloodletter.



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