
Monday, July 16, 2018

Painting an evil female gnome wizard


The recurring villains of our DnD campaign - characters from our previous one - need their miniatures. This is Nixi, the evil wizard turned to the worship of Vecna. The miniature is made by Reaper Miniatures.


Inspired by the other gnome wizard, I kept the arcane ruins theme going.


Prime in black.

Black coat as per the painting tip.


Do a Heavy Brown undercoat on all areas to be brown.

I've painted several RPG-miniatures lately, and I experimented with browns, as they all tend to have leather clothing, boots, straps, bags and the like. By this time I reached a couple of standards, so:
I like how all these browns play together. They are just different enough - they don't clash, but each area has its own color range.


I also experimented with skintones lately. However, for this evil wizard, I wanted pale, sickly skin

Red bodice

Nothing fancy, as it is such as small area. Initially I wanted grey, but that would blend to much into the black coat.

Basecoat Gory Red.

Highlight Bloody Red.

Yellow trim

I went for a pale, sickly yellow. Basecoat Heavy Goldbrown.

Wash Agrax Earthshade, for some separation.

Sun Yellow layer - though almost a basecoat. I didn't want much of that warm brownish yellow showing through.

Fluorescent Yellow layer. This contrasts superbly with the red and black.

White hair

Bronze metallics

This should inject a spot of color into all this black and white, better than silver would.

I decided to try this without any washes. It is basically a gradient from Tinny Tin to Bright Bronze.

Basecoat Tinny Tin.

Layer with a 1:1 mix of Tinny Tin and Hammered Copper.

Layer with Heavy Copper.

Highlight with 1:1 mix of Hammered Copper and Bright Bronze.

Superhighlight with Bright Bronze.
The phone camera is really bad at picking up this subtle gradient, but it's there.


Take the easy route with a Citadel Technical.

Basecoat Gunmetal.

Coat Waystone Green.

Bloody Red eye

That's it. No highlights. This is just a disturbing red orb. 

Green potion bottle

Or is it poison?

Dark Green basecoat.

Highlight with 1:1 Dark Green and Sick Green, then just Sick Green.

Then 1:1 Sick Green and Scorpion Green.

Then just Scorpion Green.


Ruined statue. Then woodland grass.


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