
Monday, November 5, 2018

Menace in the Zarek Valley - The Curse of Baron Gordham (part 2)

Having bravely slaughtered some poor innocent animals defending their lair, the adventurers carry on with their descent.
They reach a large room, covered knee deep in corpses. They try to go all sneaky-like, around the edges.

However, as they reach the door at the far end, they trigger a trap. Green smoke is released into the room, and several corpses animate as zombies - some of them HUGE!.

Sneaky Selene has stayed back.

More corpses animate shortly, adding skeletons to the fight.

A few highlights which I remember: Selene creates an illusory wall in front of her, so that she cannot be seen at first. Groin turns the undead, having several flee in the direction of Selene. Sotocus uses an attack of opportunity on one of the fleeing undead, dealing 1 damage and breaking its fear.

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