
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Painting more Chaos Terminators (Word Bearers)


It's been 10 months since I finished the Chaos Terminator Lord for the painting competition, and I've worked on his elite bodyguard on-and-off ever since. Real life issues have hit the summer months very hard, and I barely got any work in. Given the amount of detail I put on these guys, it's no surprise that it took this long to finish them. Alas - they are here!

I'll reference the original body and arms posts several times.

Armor base colors

Heavily weathered red armor with silver and brass elements, as previously.

Arm details

Gemstones: Waywatcher Green over Chainmail Silver.

Bright metallic elements: bullets, casings (Bright Bronze, Black Wash, highlight) and silver chainsaw blades.

Just to enhance the look of these blades (make them seem... power bayonets?), I added some Nihilakh Oxide around the nodules.

Blood for the Blood God! splatters.

Mix Tamiya Clear Red into UHU glue for some stringy gore on this chainfist. Yes, it has to be Tamiya, as that is not a water based paint. I tried to do this with Vallejo but the result was a miserable failure.

Body details

Drilled out exhaust pipes.

Green reactors. Also the champion's faceplate.

Cloth and bone.

Fur cloak

I am somewhat happy with this result, but I'll need further experimentation before this goes into its own painting tip.

Basecoat Heavy Brown.

Add some patches of Dark Fleshtone.

Wash Agrax Earthshade.

Drybrush Bonewhite.

Leather satchels.

Helmets on trophy racks

Imperial Fist helmet (it would have been awesome to have this guy in the apocalypse game, but alas): Heavy Goldbrown basecoat, Heavy Charcoal cabling, Bright Bronze details.

Imperial Guard helmet: Dark Green basecoat, Beasty Brown strap, Bright Bronze aquila.

Agrax Earthshade.


Weathered chainmail

Basecoat Gunmetal and highlight Chainmail Silver. Then weather with a wet blending of washes: Reikland Fleshshade, Fuegan Orange, Black Wash.

Bluegreen tassles

Basecoat Turqoise. Wash Coelia Greenshade. Highlight the upper parts with Jade Green and the lower parts with Electric Blue.

Metallic elements on horns

Basecoat Tinny Tin. Highlight with 1:1 mix of Tinny Tin and Polished Gold, then Polished Gold.

Green eyes and reactors

Basecoat the eyes in white. We'll get back to this.

Basecoat the reactors in Dark Green.

Highlight each vent in Sick Green. Also drybrush Sick Green over the area. It's fine to slop over; in fact, this is the subtle glow effect for the vents.

Superhighlight the middle of each vent with Scorpion Green.

With the paint out, also do the eyes.

Genestealer skull

Basecoat Heavy Charcoal.

Edge highlight by mixing Heavy Charcoal, Hexed Lichen and Stonewall Grey. Add more and more Stonewall Grey to the mix and highlight less and less.

Finishing touches on the bodies

Matt varnish on the bodies; except the reactors, which get a gloss coat.

Do the gems with Chainmail Silver and Waystone Green after the matt varnish; otherwise, it would kill the shine.

Finishing touches on the arms

For the remaining power weapons (2 pairs of Lightning Claws and a Power Axe) I decided on something different. I grabbed the Colorshift Metal sets from GreenStuffWorld some time ago, but never had the chance to try them out.

Start on a gloss black basecoat, as per the instructions.

This Storm Surge Green is supposed to shift between green and blue, but the effect is not overly visible.

Red Goblin shifts between green and red. It is somewhat visible on the pictures:

Martian Green shifts between green and purple. The pictures don't do it justice.


(And if you're thinking: hey, there's one dude missing. Where is the staff? You are right. But I'm taking a break from Terminators for the moment.)

They don't look that good on their movement tray, but here it is for completeness' sake:

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